Compare Translations for 1 Samuel 17:18

18 Also, take these 10 portions of cheese to the field commander. Check on the welfare of your brothers and bring a confirmation from them.
18 Also take these ten cheeses to the commander of their thousand. See if your brothers are well, and bring some token from them."
18 And carry these ten cheeses unto the captain of their thousand, and look how thy brethren fare, and take their pledge.
18 And take these ten wedges of cheese to the captain of their division. Check in on your brothers to see whether they are getting along all right, and let me know how they're doing
18 "Bring also these ten cuts of cheese to the commander of their thousand, and look into the welfare of your brothers, and bring back news of them.
18 Take along these ten cheeses to the commander of their unit. See how your brothers are and bring back some assurance from them.
18 And carry these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and see how your brothers fare, and bring back news of them."
18 And give these ten cuts of cheese to their captain. See how your brothers are getting along, and bring back a report on how they are doing. ”
18 also take these ten cheeses to the commander of their thousand. See how your brothers fare, and bring some token from them."
18 Leva, também, estes dez queijos ao seu comandante de mil; e verás como passam teus irmãos, e trarás notícias deles.
18 and bring these ten cheeses unto the captain of their thousand, and look how thy brethren fare, and take their pledge.
18 And take these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and see how your brothers are and come back with a sign to say how they are.
18 Lleva también estos diez quesos al jefe de los mil, y mira a ver cómo están tus hermanos y trae noticias de ellos.
18 And here, take these ten wedges of cheese to their unit commander. Find out how your brothers are doing and bring back some sign that they are okay.
18 And here, take these ten wedges of cheese to their unit commander. Find out how your brothers are doing and bring back some sign that they are okay.
18 Also bring these ten cheeses to their field officer. Find out if your brothers are well, and bring back some token from them.
18 and carry these ten cheeses to the captain of the thousand, and visit thy brethren to see how they are, and take a pledge of them.
18 und diese zehn Schnitten Milchkäse bringe dem Obersten über tausend und besuche deine Brüder, um nach ihrem Wohlergehen zu fragen, und nimm ein Pfand von ihnen mit.
18 And take these ten cheeses to the commanding officer. Find out how your brothers are getting along and bring back something to show that you saw them and that they are well.
18 And take these ten cheeses to the commanding officer. Find out how your brothers are getting along and bring back something to show that you saw them and that they are well.
18 And take these ten cheeses to the captain of the regiment. See how your brothers are doing, and bring back some news about them.
18 and bring these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and look how your brothers fare, and take their pledge.
18 Llevarás asimismo estos diez quesos de leche al capitán de los mil, y cuida de ver si tus hermanos están bien, y toma prendas de ellos
18 and carry these ten cheeses unto the captain of their thousand and look how thy brethren fare and take their pledge.
18 And carry these ten cheeses unto the captain of their thousand, and look how thy brethren fare, and take their pledge.
18 And these ten portions of cheese you will bring to the commander of the thousand; {find out how your brothers are doing}, and take their pledge."
18 porte aussi ces dix fromages au chef de leur millier. Tu verras si tes frères se portent bien, et tu m'en donneras des nouvelles sûres.
18 und diese zehn frischen Käse und bringe sie dem Hauptmann und besuche deine Brüder, ob's ihnen wohl gehe, und nimm, was sie dir befehlen. {~}
18 Also take ten pieces of cheese to the commander and to your brothers. See how your brothers are and bring back some proof to show me that they are all right.
18 Take along these ten chunks of cheese to the commander of their company. Find out how your brothers are doing. Bring me back some word about them.
18 also take these ten cheeses to the commander of their thousand. See how your brothers fare, and bring some token from them."
18 Y dale estos diez pedazos de queso a su capitán. Averigua cómo están tus hermanos y tráeme un informe de cómo les va».
18 Lleva también estos diez quesos para el jefe del batallón. Averigua cómo les va a tus hermanos, y tráeme una prueba de que ellos están bien.
18 Leve também estes dez queijos ao comandante da unidade deles. Veja como estão seus irmãos e traga-me alguma garantia de que estão bem.
18 Tu porteras aussi ces dix fromages de lait au capitaine de leur millier; et tu visiteras tes frères pour savoir s'ils se portent bien; et tu m'en apporteras des nouvelles certaines.
18 And carry these ten little cheeses to the tribune: and go see thy brethren, if they are well: and learn with whom they are placed.
18 also take these ten cheeses to the commander of their thousand. See how your brothers fare, and bring some token from them."
18 also take these ten cheeses to the commander of their thousand. See how your brothers fare, and bring some token from them."
18 Llevarás asimismo estos diez quesos de leche al capitán, y cuida de ver si tus hermanos están buenos, y toma prendas de ellos.
18 Llevarás asimismo estos diez quesos de leche al capitán de los mil, y cuida de ver si tus hermanos están buenos, y toma prendas de ellos.
18 Maar breng deze tien melkkazen aan de oversten over duizend; en gij zult uw broederen bezoeken, of het hun welga, en gij zult van hen pand medenemen.
18 and carry these ten cheeses unto the captain of their thousand, and look how thy brethren fare, and take their pledge."
18 and carry these ten cheeses unto the captain of their thousand, and look how thy brethren fare, and take their pledge."
18 et decem formellas casei has deferes ad tribunum et fratres tuos visitabis si recte agant et cum quibus ordinati sint disce
18 et decem formellas casei has deferes ad tribunum et fratres tuos visitabis si recte agant et cum quibus ordinati sint disce
18 And carry these ten cheeses to the captain of [their] thousand, and see how thy brethren fare, and take their pledge.
18 and bring these ten cheeses to the captain of their thousand, and look how your brothers fare, and take their pledge.
18 and thou shalt bare to the tribune these ten small cheeses; and thou shalt visit thy brethren, whether they do rightly (and see if all is well), and learn thou, with which men they be ordained.
18 and these ten cuttings of the cheese thou dost take in to the head of the thousand, and thy brethren thou dost inspect for welfare, and their pledge dost receive.'

1 Samuel 17:18 Commentaries