Gênesis 17

1 Quando Abrão tinha noventa e nove anos, apareceu-lhe o Senhor e lhe disse: Eu sou o Deus Todo-Poderoso; anda em minha presença, e sê perfeito;
2 e firmarei o meu pacto contigo, e sobremaneira te multiplicarei.
3 Ao que Abrão se prostrou com o rosto em terra, e Deus falou-lhe, dizendo:
4 Quanto a mim, eis que o meu pacto é contigo, e serás pai de muitas nações;
5 não mais serás chamado Abrão, mas Abraão será o teu nome; pois por pai de muitas nações te hei posto;
6 far-te-ei frutificar sobremaneira, e de ti farei nações, e reis sairão de ti;
7 estabelecerei o meu pacto contigo e com a tua descendência depois de ti em suas gerações, como pacto perpétuo, para te ser por Deus a ti e � tua descendência depois de ti.
8 Dar-te-ei a ti e � tua descendência depois de ti a terra de tuas peregrinações, toda a terra de Canaã, em perpétua possessão; e serei o seu Deus.
9 Disse mais Deus a Abraão: Ora, quanto a ti, guardarás o meu pacto, tu e a tua descendência depois de ti, nas suas gerações.
10 Este é o meu pacto, que guardareis entre mim e vós, e a tua descendência depois de ti: todo varão dentre vugar para aquele que me
11 Circuncidar-vos-eis na carne do prepúcio; e isto será por sinal de pacto entre mim e vós.
12 Â idade de oito dias, todo varão dentre vós será circuncidado, por todas as vossas gerações, tanto o nascido em casa como o comprado por dinheiro a qualquer estrangeiro, que não for da tua linhagem.
13 Com efeito será circuncidado o nascido em tua casa, e o comprado por teu dinheiro; assim estará o meu pacto na vossa carne como pacto perpétuo.
14 Mas o incircunciso, que não se circuncidar na carne do prepúcio, essa alma será extirpada do seu povo; violou o meu pacto.
15 Disse Deus a Abraão: Quanto a Sarai, tua, mulher, não lhe chamarás mais Sarai, porem Sara será o seu nome.
16 Abençoá-la-ei, e também dela te darei um filho; sim, abençoá-la-ei, e ela será mãe de nações; reis de povos sairão dela.
17 Ao que se prostrou Abraão com o rosto em terra, e riu-se, e disse no seu coração: A um homem de cem anos há de nascer um filho? Dará � luz Sara, que tem noventa anos?
18 Depois disse Abraão a Deus: Oxalá que viva Ismael diante de ti!
19 E Deus lhe respondeu: Na verdade, Sara, tua mulher, te dará � luz um filho, e lhe chamarás Isaque; com ele estabelecerei o meu pacto como pacto perpétuo para a sua descendência depois dele.
20 E quanto a Ismael, também te tenho ouvido; eis que o tenho abençoado, e fá-lo-ei frutificar, e multiplicá-lo-ei grandissimamente; doze príncipes gerará, e dele farei uma grande nação.
21 O meu pacto, porém, estabelecerei com Isaque, que Sara te dará � luz neste tempo determinado, no ano vindouro.
22 Ao acabar de falar com Abraão, subiu Deus diante dele.
23 Logo tomou Abraão a seu filho Ismael, e a todos os nascidos na sua casa e a todos os comprados por seu dinheiro, todo varão entre os da casa de Abraão, e lhes circuncidou a carne do prepúcio, naquele mesmo dia, como Deus lhe ordenara.
24 Abraão tinha noventa e nove anos, quando lhe foi circuncidada a carne do prepúcio;
25 E Ismael, seu filho, tinha treze anos, quando lhe foi circuncidada a carne do prepúcio.
26 No mesmo dia foram circuncidados Abraão e seu filho Ismael.
27 E todos os homens da sua casa, assim os nascidos em casa, como os comprados por dinheiro ao estrangeiro, foram circuncidados com ele.

Gênesis 17 Commentary

Chapter 17

God renews the covenant with Abram. (1-6) Circumcision instituted. (7-14) Sarai's name changed, Isaac promised. (15-22) Abraham and his family are circumcised. (23-27)

Verses 1-6 The covenant was to be accomplished in due time. The promised Seed was Christ, and Christians in him. And all who are of faith are blessed with faithful Abram, being partakers of the same covenant blessings. In token of this covenant his name was changed from Abram, "a high father," to Abraham, "the father of a multitude." All that the Christian world enjoys, it is indebted for to Abraham and his Seed.

Verses 7-14 The covenant of grace is from everlasting in the counsels of it, and to everlasting in the consequences of it. The token of the covenant was circumcision. It is here said to be the covenant which Abraham and his seed must keep. Those who will have the Lord to be to them a God, must resolve to be to him a people. Not only Abraham and Isaac, and his posterity by Isaac, were to be circumcised, but also Ishmael and the bond-servants. It sealed not only the covenant of the land of Canaan to Isaac's posterity, but of heaven, through Christ, to the whole church of God. The outward sign is for the visible church; the inward seal of the Spirit is peculiar to those whom God knows to be believers, and he alone can know them. The religious observance of this institution was required, under a very severe penalty. It is dangerous to make light of Divine institutions, and to live in the neglect of them. The covenant in question was one that involved great blessings for the world in all future ages. Even the blessedness of Abraham himself, and all the rewards conferred upon him, were for Christ's sake. Abraham was justified, as we have seen, not by his own righteousness, but by faith in the promised Messiah.

Verses 15-22 Here is the promise made to Abraham of a son by Sarai, in whom the promise made to him should be fulfilled. The assurance of this promise was the change of Sarai's name into Sarah. Sarai signifies my princess, as if her honour were confined to one family only; Sarah signifies a princess. The more favours God confers upon us, the more low we should be in our own eyes. Abraham showed great joy; he laughed, it was a laughter of delight, not of distrust. Now it was that Abraham rejoiced to see Christ's day; now he saw it and was glad, ( John 8:56 ) . Abraham, dreading lest Ishmael should be abandoned and forsaken of God, put up a petition on his behalf. God gives us leave in prayer to be particular in making known our requests. Whatever is our care and fear, should be spread before God in prayer. It is the duty of parents to pray for their children, and the great thing we should desire is, that they may be kept in covenant with Him, and may have grace to walk before him in uprightness. Common blessings are secured to Ishmael. Outward good things are often given to those children of godly parents who are born after the flesh, for their parents' sake. Covenant blessings are reserved for Isaac, and appropriated to him.

Verses 23-27 Abraham and all his family were circumcised; so receiving the token of the covenant, and distinguishing themselves from other families that had no part nor lot in the matter. It was an implicit obedience; he did as God said unto him, and did not ask why or wherefore. He did it because God bade him. It was a speedy obedience; in the self-same day. Sincere obedience makes no delay. Not only the doctrines of revelation, but the seals of God's covenant, remind us that we are guilty, polluted sinners. They show us our need of the blood of atonement; they point to the promised Saviour, and teach us to exercise faith in him. They show us that without regeneration, and sanctification by his Spirit, and the mortification of our corrupt and carnal inclinations, we cannot be in covenant with God. But let us remember that the true circumcision is that of the heart, by the Spirit, ( romans 2:28 romans 2:29 ) . Both under the old and new dispensation, many have had the outward profession, and the outward seal, who were never sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise.

Chapter Summary


This chapter treats of a covenant made with Abram, sometimes called the covenant of circumcision, the time when God appeared to him, and promised to make it, and did, Ge 17:1-3; the particulars of it, both with respect to himself, whose name was now changed, and to his posterity, Ge 17:4-8; the token of it, circumcision, the time of its performance, and the persons obliged to it, Ge 17:9-14; the change of Sarai's name, and a promise made that she should have a son, to the great surprise of Abraham, Ge 17:15-17; a prayer of his for Ishmael, and the answer to it, with a confirmation of Sarah's having a son, whose name should be called Isaac, and the establishment of the covenant with him, Ge 17:18-22; and the chapter is closed with an account of the circumcision of Abraham, and all his family of the male sort, agreeably to the command of God, Ge 17:23-27.

Gênesis 17 Commentaries

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