Jeremías 13

1 Así me dijo el SEÑOR: Ve y cómprate un cinturón de lino y póntelo en la cintura, pero no lo metas en agua.
2 Compré, pues, el cinturón conforme a la palabra del SEÑOR, y me lo puse en la cintura.
3 Entonces vino a mí la palabra del SEÑOR por segunda vez, diciendo:
4 Toma el cinturón que has comprado, que llevas a la cintura, y levántate, vete al Eufrates y escóndelo allá en una hendidura de la peña.
5 Fui, pues, y lo escondí junto al Eufrates como el SEÑOR me había mandado.
6 Y sucedió que después de muchos días el SEÑOR me dijo: Levántate, vete al Eufrates y toma de allí el cinturón que te mandé que escondieras allá.
7 Fui, pues, al Eufrates y cavé, tomé el cinturón del lugar donde lo había escondido, y he aquí, el cinturón estaba podrido; no servía para nada.
8 Entonces vino a mí la palabra del SEÑOR, diciendo:
9 Así dice el SEÑOR: "De la misma manera haré que se pudra la soberbia de Judá y la gran soberbia de Jerusalén.
10 "Este pueblo malvado, que rehúsa escuchar mis palabras, que anda en la terquedad de su corazón y se ha ido tras otros dioses a servirles y a postrarse ante ellos, ha de ser como este cinturón que no sirve para nada.
11 "Porque como el cinturón se adhiere a la cintura del hombre, así hice adherirse a mí a toda la casa de Israel y a toda la casa de Judá"declara el SEÑOR"a fin de que fueran para mí por pueblo, por renombre, por alabanza y por gloria, pero no escucharon."
12 También les dirás esta palabra: "Así dice el SEÑOR, Dios de Israel: 'Todo cántaro se llenará de vino.'" Y cuando ellos te digan: "¿Acaso no sabemos bien que todo cántaro ha de llenarse de vino?",
13 entonces les dirás: "Así dice el SEÑOR: 'He aquí, voy a llenar de embriaguez a todos los habitantes de esta tierra: a los reyes sucesores de David que se sientan sobre su trono, a los sacerdotes, a los profetas y a todos los habitantes de Jerusalén;
14 y los estrellaré unos contra otros, los padres con los hijos por igual'declara el SEÑOR. 'No tendré piedad, ni lástima, ni compasión, para dejar de destruirlos.'"
15 Escuchad y prestad atención, no seáis altaneros, porque el SEÑOR ha hablado.
16 Dad gloria al SEÑOR vuestro Dios antes que haga venir las tinieblas, y antes que vuestros pies tropiecen sobre los montes oscuros, y estéis esperando la luz, y El la transforme en profundas tinieblas, la torne en lobreguez.
17 Pero si no escucháis esto, mi alma sollozará en secreto por tal orgullo; mis ojos llorarán amargamente y se anegarán en lágrimas, porque ha sido hecho cautivo el rebaño del SEÑOR.
18 Di al rey y a la reina madre, humillaos, sentaos en el suelo, porque ha caído de vuestras cabezas vuestra hermosa corona.
19 Las ciudades del Neguev han sido cerradas, y no hay quien las abra: todo Judá ha sido llevado al destierro, llevado al cautiverio en su totalidad.
20 Alzad vuestros ojos, y ved a los que vienen del norte. ¿Dónde está el rebaño que te fue confiado, tus hermosas ovejas?
21 ¿Qué dirás cuando El ponga sobre ti (a los que tú mismo habías enseñado) a antiguos compañeros para ser cabeza tuya? ¿No te vendrán dolores como de mujer de parto?
22 Y si dices en tu corazón: "¿Por qué me han sucedido estas cosas?" Por la magnitud de tu iniquidad te han quitado las faldas y descubierto tus calcañares.
23 ¿Puede el etíope mudar su piel, o el leopardo sus manchas? Así vosotros, ¿podréis hacer el bien estando acostumbrados a hacer el mal?
24 Por tanto, os esparciré como paja arrastrada por el viento del desierto.
25 Esta es tu suerte, la porción que ya he medido para ti declara el SEÑOR porque me has olvidado, y has confiado en la mentira.
26 Por lo cual yo también te levantaré las faldas sobre tu rostro, para que se vea tu verguenza.
27 En tus adulterios y en tus relinchos, en la bajeza de tu prostitución sobre las colinas del campo, he visto tus abominaciones. ¡Ay de ti, Jerusalén! ¿Hasta cuándo seguirás sin purificarte?

Jeremías 13 Commentary

Chapter 13

The glory of the Jews should be marred. (1-11) All ranks should suffer misery, An earnest exhortation to repentance. (12-17) An awful message to Jerusalem and its king. (18-27)

Verses 1-11 It was usual with the prophets to teach by signs. And we have the explanation, ver. ( 9-11 ) . The people of Israel had been to God as this girdle. He caused them to cleave to him by the law he gave them, the prophets he sent among them, and the favours he showed them. They had by their idolatries and sins buried themselves in foreign earth, mingled among the nations, and were so corrupted that they were good for nothing. If we are proud of learning, power, and outward privileges, it is just with God to wither them. The minds of men should be awakened to a sense of their guilt and danger; yet nothing will be effectual without the influences of the Spirit.

Verses 12-17 As the bottle was fitted to hold the wine, so the sins of the people made them vessels of wrath, fitted for the judgments of God; with which they should be filled till they caused each other's destruction. The prophet exhorts them to give glory to God, by confessing their sins, humbling themselves in repentance, and returning to his service. Otherwise they would be carried into other countries in all the darkness of idolatry and wickedness. All misery, witnessed or foreseen, will affect a feeling mind, but the pious heart must mourn most over the afflictions of the Lord's flock.

Verses 18-27 Here is a message sent to king Jehoiakim, and his queen. Their sorrows would be great indeed. Do they ask, Wherefore come these things upon us? Let them know, it is for their obstinacy in sin. We cannot alter the natural colour of the skin; and so is it morally impossible to reclaim and reform these people. Sin is the blackness of the soul; it is the discolouring of it; we were shapen in it, so that we cannot get clear of it by any power of our own. But Almighty grace is able to change the Ethiopian's skin. Neither natural depravity, nor strong habits of sin, form an obstacle to the working of God, the new-creating Spirit. The Lord asks of Jerusalem, whether she is determined not be made clean. If any poor slave of sin feels that he could as soon change his nature as master his headstrong lusts, let him not despair; for things impossible to men are possible with God. Let us then seek help from Him who is mighty to save.

Footnotes 2

  • [a]. Heb., Perat, y as hasta el vers. 7
  • [b]. I.e., regin del sur

Chapter Summary


In this chapter, under the similes of a girdle and bottles of wine, the destruction of the Jews is set forth. Some exhortations are given them to repent and humble themselves, even men of all ranks and degrees among them; and their sins, the source of their calamities, are pointed out to them. An order is given to the prophet to get him a linen girdle, with instructions what to do with it, and which he observed, Jer 13:1,2, a fresh order to take it and hide it in the hole of a rock by the river Euphrates, which he accordingly did, Jer 13:3-5 and he is bid a third time to go and take it from thence, which he did; when he found it spoiled, and good for nothing, Jer 13:6,7, then follows the application of this simile, or the signification of this sign; that in like manner the pride of Judah and Jerusalem should be marred, and for their wickedness and idolatry should become good for nothing, like that girdle; whereas they ought to have cleaved to the Lord, as a girdle does to a man's loins, and to have been an honourable people to him, Jer 13:8-11. By the simile of bottles filled with wine is signified that all the inhabitants of the land, king, priests, prophets, and common people, should be like drunken men, that should dash one against another, and destroy each other, which the mercy of God would not prevent, Jer 13:12-14, some exhortations are made to the people in general, to be humble, and confess their sins, and give glory to God, before it was too late; which are enforced by the prophet's affectionate concern for them, Jer 13:15-17 and to the king and queen in particular, since their crown and kingdom were about to be taken from them; the cities, in the southern parts, going to be shut up, and not opened; and even the whole land of Judea, and all its inhabitants, in a little time would be carried captive, Jer 13:18,19, and, to certify them of the truth of these things, they are bid to look to the north, from whence the enemy was coming to carry them captive, even the beautiful flock committed to their care, Jer 13:20, and to consider what they could say for themselves, when their punishment should come upon them suddenly, as the sorrows of a woman in travail, Jer 13:21 and should they ask the reason of this, it was owing to the multitude of their iniquities, and to their habit and custom of sinning, which made their case desperate, Jer 13:22,23, wherefore a resolution is taken to disperse them among the nations, and that this should be their lot and portion, because of their many abominations, and yet not without some concern that they might be purged from their iniquities, Jer 13:24-27.

Jeremías 13 Commentaries

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