1 Corinthians 13:4

Verses Matthew 4-7 picture the character or conduct of love in marvellous rhapsody. Suffereth long (makroqumei). Late Koin word (Plutarch) from makro, long, qumo, passion, ardour. Cf. James 5:7 . Is kind (crhsteuetai). From crhsto (useful, gracious, kind) and that from craomai, to use. Not found elsewhere save in Clement of Rome and Eusebius. "Perhaps of Paul's coining" (Findlay). Perhaps a vernacular word ready for Paul. Gentle in behaviour. Envieth not (ou zhloi). Present active indicative of zhlow (contraction oei=oi, same as subjunctive and optative forms). Bad sense of zhlo from zew, to boil, good sense in James 12:31 . Love is neither jealous nor envious (both ideas). Vaunteth not itself (ou perpereuetai). From perpero, vainglorious, braggart (Polybius, Epictetus) like Latin perperus. Only here in N.T. and earliest known example. It means play the braggart. Marcus Anton. V. 5 uses it with areskeuomai, to play the toady. Is not puffed up (ou pusioutai). Present direct middle indicative of pusiow from pusi (late form for pusaw, pusiaw from pusa, bellows), to puff oneself out like a pair of bellows. This form in Herodas and Menander. Is not arrogant. See on James 4:6 .