Compare Translations for Job 39:14

14 She abandons her eggs on the ground and lets them be warmed in the sand.
14 For she leaves her eggs to the earth and lets them be warmed on the ground,
14 Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust,
14 She lays her eggs on the hard ground, leaves them there in the dirt, exposed to the weather,
14 For she abandons her eggs to the earth And warms them in the dust,
14 She lays her eggs on the ground and lets them warm in the sand,
14 For she leaves her eggs on the ground, And warms them in the dust;
14 She lays her eggs on top of the earth, letting them be warmed in the dust.
14 For it leaves its eggs to the earth, and lets them be warmed on the ground,
14 For she leaveth her eggs on the earth, And warmeth them in the dust,
14 That she puts her eggs on the earth, warming them in the dust,
14 Porque abandona sus huevos en la tierra, y sobre el polvo los calienta;
14 She leaves her eggs on the earth, lets them warm in the dust,
14 She leaves her eggs on the earth, lets them warm in the dust,
14 It leaves its eggs on the ground and lets them be warmed by the sand,
14 For she leaveth her eggs to the earth, and warmeth them in the dust,
14 The ostrich leaves her eggs on the ground for the heat in the soil to warm them.
14 The ostrich leaves her eggs on the ground for the heat in the soil to warm them.
14 It lays its eggs on the ground and warms them in the dust.
14 For she leaves her eggs on the eretz, Warms them in the dust,
14 El cual desampara en la tierra sus huevos, y sobre el polvo los calienta
14 Who leaves her eggs in the earth and warms them in dust
14 Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust,
14 Indeed, it leaves its eggs to the earth, and it lets [them] be warmed on [the] ground,
14 Mais l'autruche abandonne ses oeufs à la terre, Et les fait chauffer sur la poussière;
14 for will leave her eggs in the ground, and warm them on the dust,
14 The ostrich lays its eggs on the ground and lets them warm in the sand.
14 Ostriches lay their eggs on the ground. They let them get warm in the sand.
14 For it leaves its eggs to the earth, and lets them be warmed on the ground,
14 El avestruz pone sus huevos en la tierra,
y deja que se calienten en el polvo.
14 Pone sus huevos en la tierra,los deja empollar en la arena,
14 Te fies-tu à lui parce que sa force est grande, et lui abandonnes-tu ton travail?
14 When she leaveth her eggs on the earth, thou perhaps wilt warm them in the dust.
14 For she leaves her eggs to the earth, and lets them be warmed on the ground,
14 For she leaves her eggs to the earth, and lets them be warmed on the ground,
14 (39-17) El cual desampara en la tierra sus huevos, Y sobre el polvo los calienta,
14 El cual desampara en la tierra sus huevos, y sobre el polvo los calienta,
14 Zult gij op hem vertrouwen, omdat zijn kracht groot is, en zult gij uw arbeid op hem laten?
14 which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust,
14 which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in dust,
14 quando derelinquit in terra ova sua tu forsitan in pulvere calefacis ea
14 quando derelinquit in terra ova sua tu forsitan in pulvere calefacis ea
14 Which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them in the dust,
14 For she leaves her eggs on the earth, Warms them in the dust,
14 the which ostrich forsaketh his eggs in the earth, in hap thou shalt make those hot in the dust. (who forsaketh his eggs in the earth, and warmeth them under the sand.)
14 For she leaveth on the earth her eggs, And on the dust she doth warm them,

Job 39:14 Commentaries