1 Corinthiens 4

1 Ainsi, qu'on nous regarde comme des serviteurs de Christ, et des dispensateurs des mystères de Dieu.
2 Du reste, ce qu'on demande des dispensateurs, c'est que chacun soit trouvé fidèle.
3 Pour moi, il m'importe fort peu d'être jugé par vous, ou par un tribunal humain. Je ne me juge pas non plus moi-même,
4 car je ne me sens coupable de rien; mais ce n'est pas pour cela que je suis justifié. Celui qui me juge, c'est le Seigneur.
5 C'est pourquoi ne jugez de rien avant le temps, jusqu'à ce que vienne le Seigneur, qui mettra en lumière ce qui est caché dans les ténèbres, et qui manifestera les desseins des coeurs. Alors chacun recevra de Dieu la louange qui lui sera due.
6 C'est à cause de vous, frères, que j'ai fait de ces choses une application à ma personne et à celle d'Apollos, afin que vous appreniez en nos personnes à ne pas aller au delà de ce qui est écrit, et que nul de vous ne conçoive de l'orgueil en faveur de l'un contre l'autre.
7 Car qui est-ce qui te distingue? Qu'as-tu que tu n'aies reçu? Et si tu l'as reçu, pourquoi te glorifies-tu, comme si tu ne l'avais pas reçu?
8 Déjà vous êtes rassasiés, déjà vous êtes riches, sans nous vous avez commencé à régner. Et puissiez-vous régner en effet, afin que nous aussi nous régnions avec vous!
9 Car Dieu, ce me semble, a fait de nous, apôtres, les derniers des hommes, des condamnés à mort en quelque sorte, puisque nous avons été en spectacle au monde, aux anges et aux hommes.
10 Nous sommes fous à cause de Christ; mais vous, vous êtes sages en Christ; nous sommes faibles, mais vous êtes forts. Vous êtes honorés, et nous sommes méprisés!
11 Jusqu'à cette heure, nous souffrons la faim, la soif, la nudité; nous sommes maltraités, errants çà et là;
12 nous nous fatiguons à travailler de nos propres mains; injuriés, nous bénissons; persécutés, nous supportons;
13 calomniés, nous parlons avec bonté; nous sommes devenus comme les balayures du monde, le rebut de tous, jusqu'à maintenant.
14 Ce n'est pas pour vous faire honte que j'écris ces choses; mais je vous avertis comme mes enfants bien-aimés.
15 Car, quand vous auriez dix mille maîtres en Christ, vous n'avez cependant pas plusieurs pères, puisque c'est moi qui vous ai engendrés en Jésus-Christ par l'Evangile.
16 Je vous en conjure donc, soyez mes imitateurs.
17 Pour cela je vous ai envoyé Timothée, qui est mon enfant bien-aimé et fidèle dans le Seigneur; il vous rappellera quelles sont mes voies en Christ, quelle est la manière dont j'enseigne partout dans toutes les Eglises.
18 Quelques-uns se sont enflés d'orgueil, comme si je ne devais pas aller chez vous.
19 Mais j'irai bientôt chez vous, si c'est la volonté du Seigneur, et je connaîtrai, non les paroles, mais la puissance de ceux qui se sont enflés.
20 Car le royaume de Dieu ne consiste pas en paroles, mais en puissance.
21 Que voulez-vous? Que j'aille chez vous avec une verge, ou avec amour et dans un esprit de douceur?

1 Corinthiens 4 Commentary

Chapter 4

The true character of gospel ministers. (1-6) Cautions against despising the apostle. (7-13) He claims their regard as their spiritual father in Christ, and shows his concern for them. (14-21)

Verses 1-6 Apostles were no more than servants of Christ, but they were not to be undervalued. They had a great trust, and for that reason, had an honourable office. Paul had a just concern for his own reputation, but he knew that he who chiefly aimed to please men, would not prove himself a faithful servant of Christ. It is a comfort that men are not to be our final judges. And it is not judging well of ourselves, or justifying ourselves, that will prove us safe and happy. Our own judgment is not to be depended upon as to our faithfulness, any more than our own works for our justification. There is a day coming, that will bring men's secret sins into open day, and discover the secrets of their hearts. Then every slandered believer will be justified, and every faithful servant approved and rewarded. The word of God is the best rule by which to judge as to men. Pride commonly is at the bottom of quarrels. Self-conceit contributes to produce undue esteem of our teachers, as well as of ourselves. We shall not be puffed up for one against another, if we remember that all are instruments, employed by God, and endowed by him with various talents.

Verses 7-13 We have no reason to be proud; all we have, or are, or do, that is good, is owing to the free and rich grace of God. A sinner snatched from destruction by sovereign grace alone, must be very absurd and inconsistent, if proud of the free gifts of God. St. Paul sets forth his own circumstances, ver. 9. Allusion is made to the cruel spectacles in the Roman games; where men were forced to cut one another to pieces, to divert the people; and where the victor did not escape with his life, though he should destroy his adversary, but was only kept for another combat, and must be killed at last. The thought that many eyes are upon believers, when struggling with difficulties or temptations, should encourage constancy and patience. "We are weak, but ye are strong." All Christians are not alike exposed. Some suffer greater hardships than others. The apostle enters into particulars of their sufferings. And how glorious the charity and devotion that carried them through all these hardships! They suffered in their persons and characters as the worst and vilest of men; as the very dirt of the world, that was to be swept away: nay, as the offscouring of all things, the dross of all things. And every one who would be faithful in Christ Jesus, must be prepared for poverty and contempt. Whatever the disciples of Christ suffer from men, they must follow the example, and fulfil the will and precepts of their Lord. They must be content, with him and for him, to be despised and abused. It is much better to be rejected, despised, and ill used, as St. Paul was, than to have the good opinion and favour of the world. Though cast off by the world as vile, yet we may be precious to God, gathered up with his own hand, and placed upon his throne.

Verses 14-21 In reproving for sin, we should distinguish between sinners and their sins. Reproofs that kindly and affectionately warn, are likely to reform. Though the apostle spoke with authority as a parent, he would rather beseech them in love. And as ministers are to set an example, others must follow them, as far as they follow Christ in faith and practice. Christians may mistake and differ in their views, but Christ and Christian truth are the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Whenever the gospel is effectual, it comes not in word only, but also in power, by the Holy Spirit, quickening dead sinners, delivering persons from the slavery of sin and Satan, renewing them both inwardly and outwardly, and comforting, strengthening, and establishing the saints, which cannot be done by the persuasive language of men, but by the power of God. And it is a happy temper, to have the spirit of love and meekness bear the rule, yet to maintain just authority.

Chapter Summary


The chief heads of this chapter are the account that ought to be had of the ministers of the Gospel; cautions against censoriousness, rash judgment, pride, and self-conceit; the uncomfortable circumstances and situation of the ministers of the Gospel for the sake of preaching it; the apostle's fatherly affection to the Corinthians, and his authority over them; his resolution in submission to the will of God of coming to them, and the manner in which it might be expected he would come. The apostle exhorts to have in proper esteem the preachers of the Gospel, and that because they are Christ's ministers and stewards of his grace, and faithful in the discharge of their duty, 1Co 4:1,2. And as for himself, whom he includes in the number of the faithful dispensers of the word, he cared not what judgment was passed upon him; nor should he think fit to be set down by it, partly because it was human, and arose from an ill spirit; and partly because he judged himself; as also because his conscience testified that he faithfully discharged his office; and besides, the Lord was his judge, 1Co 4:3,4 who in his own time would judge him; and he, as every other faithful minister, shall have praise of God, and therefore before that time judgment was not to be passed by men, 1Co 4:5 and then gives a reason why he had mentioned his own name, and the name of Apollos, under such figurative expressions as he had done in the preceding chapter, that they might be examples of modesty and humility for others to follow, 1Co 4:6 and expostulates with those who were vainly puffed up in their fleshly minds; that seeing they were no better than others, and what gifts they had were not of themselves, but of God, they had no reason to glory and vaunt it over others, 1Co 4:7 and in an ironical way expresses the exalted and flourishing condition they were in, and which he rather wishes than asserts, and which carries in it a sort of a denial of it, 1Co 4:8 and goes on to represent the miserable condition that the faithful preachers and followers of Christ were in, and that in order to abate the pride and swelling vanity of these men, 1Co 4:9-13 showing, that it was far from being a reigning time in the churches of Christ; his end in mentioning which, as well as the sharpness he had used in reproving, were not in order to expose them to shame, but for their admonition, 1Co 4:14 and that he did not take too much upon him in dealing thus freely and roundly with them, appears from the spiritual relation he stood in to them, as a father, 1Co 4:15 and therefore it became them as children to submit to him, and imitate him, 1Co 4:16 and an instance of his paternal care of them, and love to them, was his sending Timothy among them, whose character he gives, and whose work and usefulness he points out to them, 1Co 4:17, and closes the chapter with a promise of coming to them, if it was agreeable to the will of God; and the rather he was bent upon it, because some had given out he would not come, and rejoiced at it; wherefore, in order to try them, whether they were only verbal or powerful professors, he was desirous of coming to them, 1Co 4:18,19 since religion did not lie in talking, but in an inward powerful experience of things, 1Co 4:20 which he feared was wanting in some by their outward conversation; and therefore puts a question in what way they would chose he should come unto them, and hence should accordingly order their conversation and behaviour, 1Co 4:21.

1 Corinthiens 4 Commentaries

The Louis Segond 1910 is in the public domain.