2 Corinthiens 7

1 Ayant donc de telles promesses, bien-aimés, purifions-nous de toute souillure de la chair et de l'esprit, en achevant notre sanctification dans la crainte de Dieu.
2 Donnez-nous une place dans vos coeurs! Nous n'avons fait tort à personne, nous n'avons ruiné personne, nous n'avons tiré du profit de personne.
3 Ce n'est pas pour vous condamner que je parle de la sorte; car j'ai déjà dit que vous êtes dans nos coeurs à la vie et à la mort.
4 J'ai une grande confiance en vous, j'ai tout sujet de me glorifier de vous; je suis rempli de consolation, je suis comblé de joie au milieu de toutes nos tribulations.
5 Car, depuis notre arrivée en Macédoine, notre chair n'eut aucun repos; nous étions affligés de toute manière: luttes au dehors, craintes au dedans.
6 Mais Dieu, qui console ceux qui sont abattus, nous a consolés par l'arrivée de Tite,
7 et non seulement par son arrivée, mais encore par la consolation que Tite lui-même ressentait à votre sujet: il nous a raconté votre ardent désir, vos larmes, votre zèle pour moi, en sorte que ma joie a été d'autant plus grande.
8 Quoique je vous aie attristés par ma lettre, je ne m'en repens pas. Et, si je m'en suis repenti, -car je vois que cette lettre vous a attristés, bien que momentanément, -
9 je me réjouis à cette heure, non pas de ce que vous avez été attristés, mais de ce que votre tristesse vous a portés à la repentance; car vous avez été attristés selon Dieu, afin de ne recevoir de notre part aucun dommage.
10 En effet, la tristesse selon Dieu produit une repentance à salut dont on ne se repent jamais, tandis que la tristesse du monde produit la mort.
11 Et voici, cette même tristesse selon Dieu, quel empressement n'a-t-elle pas produit en vous! Quelle justification, quelle indignation, quelle crainte, quel désir ardent, quel zèle, quelle punition! Vous avez montré à tous égards que vous étiez purs dans cette affaire.
12 Si donc je vous ai écrit, ce n'était ni à cause de celui qui a fait l'injure, ni à cause de celui qui l'a reçue; c'était afin que votre empressement pour nous fût manifesté parmi vous devant Dieu.
13 C'est pourquoi nous avons été consolés. Mais, outre notre consolation, nous avons été réjouis beaucoup plus encore par la joie de Tite, dont l'esprit a été tranquillisé par vous tous.
14 Et si devant lui je me suis un peu glorifié à votre sujet, je n'en ai point eu de confusion; mais, comme nous vous avons toujours parlé selon la vérité, ce dont nous nous sommes glorifiés auprès de Tite s'est trouvé être aussi la vérité.
15 Il éprouve pour vous un redoublement d'affection, au souvenir de votre obéissance à tous, et de l'accueil que vous lui avez fait avec crainte et tremblement.
16 Je me réjouis de pouvoir en toutes choses me confier en vous.

2 Corinthiens 7 Commentary

Chapter 7

An exhortation to holiness, and the whole church entreated to bear affection to the apostle. (1-4) He rejoiced in their sorrowing to repentance. (5-11) And in the comfort they and Titus had together. (12-16)

Verses 1-4 The promises of God are strong reasons for us to follow after holiness; we must cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit. If we hope in God as our Father, we must seek to be holy as he is holy, and perfect as our Father in heaven. His grace, by the influences of his Spirit, alone can purify, but holiness should be the object of our constant prayers. If the ministers of the gospel are thought contemptible, there is danger lest the gospel itself be despised also; and though ministers must flatter none, yet they must be gentle towards all. Ministers may look for esteem and favour, when they can safely appeal to the people, that they have corrupted no man by false doctrines or flattering speeches; that they have defrauded no man; nor sought to promote their own interests so as to hurt any. It was affection to them made the apostle speak so freely to them, and caused him to glory of them, in all places, and upon all occasions.

Verses 5-11 There were fightings without, or continual contentions with, and opposition from Jews and Gentiles; and there were fears within, and great concern for such as had embraced the Christian faith. But God comforts those who are cast down. We should look above and beyond all means and instruments, to God, as the author of all the consolation and good we enjoy. Sorrow according to the will of God, tending to the glory of God, and wrought by the Spirit of God, renders the heart humble, contrite, submissive, disposed to mortify every sin, and to walk in newness of life. And this repentance is connected with saving faith in Christ, and an interest in his atonement. There is a great difference between this sorrow of a godly sort, and the sorrow of the world. The happy fruits of true repentance are mentioned. Where the heart is changed, the life and actions will be changed. It wrought indignation at sin, at themselves, at the tempter and his instruments. It wrought a fear of watchfulness, and a cautious fear of sin. It wrought desire to be reconciled with God. It wrought zeal for duty, and against sin. It wrought revenge against sin and their own folly, by endeavours to make satisfaction for injuries done thereby. Deep humility before God, hatred of all sin, with faith in Christ, a new heart and a new life, make repentance unto salvation. May the Lord bestow it on every one of us.

Verses 12-16 The apostle was not disappointed concerning them, which he signified to Titus; and he could with joy declare the confidence he had in them for the time to come. Here see the duties of a pastor and of his flock; the latter must lighten the troubles of the pastoral office, by respect and obedience; the former make a due return by his care of them, and cherish the flock by testimonies of satisfaction, joy, and tenderness.

Chapter Summary


This chapter begins with an inference deduced, from what is said in the latter part of the foregoing chapter, engaging to holiness of heart and life, in opposition to filthiness of flesh and spirit, 2Co 7:1 and the apostle, in order to prevail upon the Corinthians kindly to receive his exhortations, observes his own conduct, and that of his fellow ministers towards them; as that they had done them no injury by the advice they had given them, nor had they corrupted them by unsound doctrine, or had coveted their worldly substance, 2Co 7:2 not that by so saying he would insinuate as if they had been guilty of injury, corruption, and covetousness; it was far from his thoughts to suggest anything of that kind concerning them, for whom he had so great an affection, as never to separate from them, but living and dying to continue the same regards unto them, 2Co 7:3 and which he expresses, and had shown everywhere, by the freedom of speech he had used concerning them, and his boasting of them, and the joy and comfort he had in the midst of his troubles, by the good news he had received of them, 2Co 7:4, which he had in the following manner; for though when in Macedonia he had no rest, partly through outward troubles, and partly through inward fears, 2Co 7:5 yet meeting with Titus, who had been with them, and had brought an account of their state, it was a means God made use of for the comfort of him, 2Co 7:6 and it was not merely the sight of Titus that yielded him this consolation, but the comfortable reception he had met with at Corinth; and also the good effect the apostle's letter written to them had upon them, as related by Titus; what a desire they had to see him, what grief that they should sin, and by it distress him, and what a fervent affection they had for him 2Co 7:7 for which reason he did not repent of the letter he sent them, though it did produce sorrow in them, since that was of the right kind, and was but for a time, 2Co 7:8 yea, he was so far from it, that he was glad, not merely on account of their sorrow, but because their sorrow was a godly one, and issued in repentance; and so they were no losers, but gainers by the epistle, it producing such good effects, 2Co 7:9 which leads him to distinguish between a true right godly sorrow, and a worldly one, and that by their consequences; repentance and salvation following upon the one, and death upon the other, 2Co 7:10 the fruits and evidences of which godly and true repentance he makes mention of in seven particulars, by which it appeared that their sorrow and repentance were sincere and genuine, 2Co 7:11 when the apostle proceeds to observe to them the end he had in view in writing to them, upon the account of the incestuous person, in which he had used great plainness and faithfulness; and this was not merely on account of him that offended, nor only on account of the person injured by him, but chiefly to testify his care of, and concern for their welfare, as a church of Christ, 2Co 7:12 and inasmuch as though they had been grieved, yet were now comforted, it added to the consolation of the apostle and his companions, and the more delighted they were, when they understood what a reception Titus had among them, what reverence he was had in, what respect was shown him, and care was taken of him, 2Co 7:13 and the rather, seeing the apostle had boasted of the liberality, generosity, and affectionate regard of the Corinthians to the ministers of the Gospel, Titus found it to be all true what he had said; so that he had no reason to be ashamed, as he must have been, had they behaved otherwise, 2Co 7:14 and still it gave him further pleasure, that by their behaviour to Titus, they had gained his heart, and increased his affection towards them; which he could not but express, whenever he called to mind, or made mention of the great respect, veneration, and obedience, they yielded to him, 2Co 7:15 and indeed it was not only in this instance, but in all others, the apostle had confidence concerning them, which heightened his joy and pleasure in them, 2Co 7:16.

2 Corinthiens 7 Commentaries

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