Job 14:12

12 In the same way, a man lies down and never gets up. He won't wake up or rise from his sleep until the heavens are gone.

Job 14:12 Meaning and Commentary

Job 14:12

So man lieth down
Or "and", or "but man lieth down" F2; in the grave when he dies, as on a bed, and takes his rest from all his labours, toil and troubles, and lies asleep, and continues so till the resurrection morn:

and riseth not;
from off his bed, or comes not out of his grave into this world, to the place where he was, and to be engaged in the affairs of life he was before, and never by his own power; and whenever he will rise, it will be by the power of God, and this not till the last day, when Christ shall appear in person to judge the world; and then the dead in Christ will rise first, at the beginning of the thousand years, and the wicked at the end of them:

till the heavens [be] no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out
of their sleep;
for so the words are to be read, not in connection with those that go before, but with the last clauses; though the sense is much the same either way, which is, that those who are fallen asleep by death, and lie sleeping in their graves, and on their beds, these shall neither awake of themselves, nor be awaked by others, "till the heavens be no more"; that is, never, so as to awake and arise of themselves, and to this natural life, and to be concerned in the business of it; which sometimes seems to be the sense of this phrase, see ( Psalms 89:29 ) ( Matthew 5:18 ) ; or, as some render it, "till the heavens are wore out", or "waxen old" F3; as they will like a garment, and be folded up, and laid aside, as to their present use, ( Psalms 102:26 ) ; or till they shall vanish away, and be no more, as to their present form, quality, and use, though they may exist as to substance; and when this will be the case, as it will be when the Judge shall appear, when Christ shall come a second time to judge the world; then the earth and heaven will flee away from his face, the earth and its works shall be burnt up, and the heavens shall pass away with great noise; and then, and not till then, will the dead, or those that are asleep in their graves, be awaked by the voice of the archangel, and the trump of God, and they shall be raised from their sleepy beds, awake and arise, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.


F2 (vyaw) "et vir", Pagninus, Montanus, Beza, Schmidt; "at vir", Cocceius.
F3 (ytlb de) "donec atteratur eoelum", V. L. so some in Bar Tzemach, though disapproved of by him as ungrammatical.

Job 14:12 In-Context

10 No man is like that. When he dies, he is buried in a grave. He takes his last breath. Then he is gone.
11 Water disappears from lakes. Riverbeds become empty and dry.
12 In the same way, a man lies down and never gets up. He won't wake up or rise from his sleep until the heavens are gone.
13 "I wish you would hide me in a grave! I wish you would cover me up until your anger passes by! I wish you would set the time for me to spend in the grave and then bring me back up!
14 If a man dies, will he live again? All the days of my hard work I will wait for the time when you give me new life.
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