Hechos 26

1 Entonces Agripa le dijo a Pablo:—Tienes permiso para defenderte.Pablo hizo un ademán con la mano y comenzó así su defensa:
2 —Rey Agripa, para mí es un privilegio presentarme hoy ante usted para defenderme de las acusaciones de los judíos,
3 sobre todo porque usted está bien informado de todas las tradiciones y controversias de los judíos. Por eso le ruego que me escuche con paciencia.
4 »Todos los judíos saben cómo he vivido desde que era niño, desde mi edad temprana entre mi gente y también en Jerusalén.
5 Ellos me conocen desde hace mucho tiempo y pueden atestiguar, si quieren, que viví como fariseo, de acuerdo con la secta más estricta de nuestra religión.
6 Y ahora me juzgan por la esperanza que tengo en la promesa que Dios hizo a nuestros antepasados.
7 Esta es la promesa que nuestras doce tribus esperan alcanzar rindiendo culto a Dios con diligencia día y noche. Es por esta esperanza, oh rey, por lo que me acusan los judíos.
8 ¿Por qué les parece a ustedes increíble que Dios resucite a los muertos?
9 »Pues bien, yo mismo estaba convencido de que debía hacer todo lo posible por combatir el nombre de Jesús de Nazaret.
10 Eso es precisamente lo que hice en Jerusalén. Con la autoridad de los jefes de los sacerdotes metí en la cárcel a muchos de los santos, y cuando los mataban, yo manifestaba mi aprobación.
11 Muchas veces anduve de sinagoga en sinagoga castigándolos para obligarlos a blasfemar. Mi obsesión contra ellos me llevaba al extremo de perseguirlos incluso en ciudades del extranjero.
12 »En uno de esos viajes iba yo hacia Damasco con la autoridad y la comisión de los jefes de los sacerdotes.
13 A eso del mediodía, oh rey, mientras iba por el camino, vi una luz del cielo, más refulgente que el sol, que con su resplandor nos envolvió a mí y a mis acompañantes.
14 Todos caímos al suelo, y yo oí una voz que me decía en arameo:[a] “Saulo, Saulo, ¿por qué me persigues? ¿Qué sacas con darte cabezazos contra la pared?”[b]
15 Entonces pregunté: “¿Quién eres, Señor?” “Yo soy Jesús, a quien tú persigues —me contestó el Señor—.
16 Ahora, ponte en pie y escúchame. Me he aparecido a ti con el fin de designarte siervo y testigo de lo que has visto de mí y de lo que te voy a revelar.
17 Te libraré de tu propio pueblo y de los gentiles. Te envío a estos
18 para que les abras los ojos y se conviertan de las tinieblas a la luz, y del poder de Satanás a Dios, a fin de que, por la fe en mí, reciban el perdón de los pecados y la herencia entre los santificados”.
19 »Así que, rey Agripa, no fui desobediente a esa visión celestial.
20 Al contrario, comenzando con los que estaban en Damasco, siguiendo con los que estaban en Jerusalén y en toda Judea, y luego con los gentiles, a todos les prediqué que se arrepintieran y se convirtieran a Dios, y que demostraran su arrepentimiento con sus buenas obras.
21 Solo por eso los judíos me prendieron en el templo y trataron de matarme.
22 Pero Dios me ha ayudado hasta hoy, y así me mantengo firme, testificando a grandes y pequeños. No he dicho sino lo que los profetas y Moisés ya dijeron que sucedería:
23 que el Cristo padecería y que, siendo el primero en resucitar, proclamaría la luz a su propio pueblo y a los gentiles.
24 Al llegar Pablo a este punto de su defensa, Festo interrumpió.—¡Estás loco, Pablo! —le gritó—. El mucho estudio te ha hecho perder la cabeza.
25 —No estoy loco, excelentísimo Festo —contestó Pablo—. Lo que digo es cierto y sensato.
26 El rey está familiarizado con estas cosas, y por eso hablo ante él con tanto atrevimiento. Estoy convencido de que nada de esto ignora, porque no sucedió en un rincón.
27 Rey Agripa, ¿cree usted en los profetas? ¡A mí me consta que sí!
28 —Un poco más y me convences a hacerme cristiano[c] —le dijo Agripa.
29 —Sea por poco o por mucho —le replicó Pablo—, le pido a Dios que no solo usted, sino también todos los que me están escuchando hoy, lleguen a ser como yo, aunque sin estas cadenas.
30 Se levantó el rey, y también el gobernador, Berenice y los que estaban sentados con ellos.
31 Al retirarse, decían entre sí:—Este hombre no ha hecho nada que merezca la muerte ni la cárcel.
32 Y Agripa le dijo a Festo:—Se podría poner en libertad a este hombre si no hubiera apelado al emperador.

Images for Hechos 26

Hechos 26 Commentary

Chapter 26

Paul's defence before Agrippa. (1-11) His conversion and preaching to the Gentiles. (12-23) Festus and Agrippa convinced of Paul's innocence. (24-32)

Verses 1-11 Christianity teaches us to give a reason of the hope that is in us, and also to give honour to whom honour is due, without flattery or fear of man. Agrippa was well versed in the Scriptures of the Old Testament, therefore could the better judge as to the controversy about Jesus being the Messiah. Surely ministers may expect, when they preach the faith of Christ, to be heard patiently. Paul professes that he still kept to all the good in which he was first educated and trained up. See here what his religion was. He was a moralist, a man of virtue, and had not learned the arts of the crafty, covetous Pharisees; he was not chargeable with any open vice and profaneness. He was sound in the faith. He always had a holy regard for the ancient promise made of God unto the fathers, and built his hope upon it. The apostle knew very well that all this would not justify him before God, yet he knew it was for his reputation among the Jews, and an argument that he was not such a man as they represented him to be. Though he counted this but loss, that he might win Christ, yet he mentioned it when it might serve to honour Christ. See here what Paul's religion is; he has not such zeal for the ceremonial law as he had in his youth; the sacrifices and offerings appointed by that, are done away by the great Sacrifice which they typified. Of the ceremonial cleansings he makes no conscience, and thinks the Levitical priesthood is done away in the priesthood of Christ; but, as to the main principles of his religion, he is as zealous as ever. Christ and heaven, are the two great doctrines of the gospel; that God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. These are the matter of the promise made unto the fathers. The temple service, or continual course of religious duties, day and night, was kept up as the profession of faith in the promise of eternal life, and in expectation of it. The prospect of eternal life should engage us to be diligent and stedfast in all religious exercises. Yet the Sadducees hated Paul for preaching the resurrection; and the other Jews joined them, because he testified that Jesus was risen, and was the promised Redeemer of Israel. Many things are thought to be beyond belief, only because the infinite nature and perfections of Him that has revealed, performed, or promised them, are overlooked. Paul acknowledged, that while he continued a Pharisee, he was a bitter enemy to Christianity. This was his character and manner of life in the beginning of his time; and there was every thing to hinder his being a Christian. Those who have been most strict in their conduct before conversion, will afterwards see abundant reason for humbling themselves, even on account of things which they then thought ought to have been done.

Verses 12-23 Paul was made a Christian by Divine power; by a revelation of Christ both to him and in him; when in the full career of his sin. He was made a minister by Divine authority: the same Jesus who appeared to him in that glorious light, ordered him to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. A world that sits in darkness must be enlightened; those must be brought to know the things that belong to their everlasting peace, who are yet ignorant of them. A world that lies in wickedness must be sanctified and reformed; it is not enough for them to have their eyes opened, they must have their hearts renewed; not enough to be turned from darkness to light, but they must be turned from the power of Satan unto God. All who are turned from sin to God, are not only pardoned, but have a grant of a rich inheritance. The forgiveness of sins makes way for this. None can be happy who are not holy; and to be saints in heaven we must be first saints on earth. We are made holy, and saved by faith in Christ; by which we rely upon Christ as the Lord our Righteousness, and give up ourselves to him as the Lord our Ruler; by this we receive the remission of sins, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and eternal life. The cross of Christ was a stumbling-block to the Jews, and they were in a rage at Paul's preaching the fulfilling of the Old Testament predictions. Christ should be the first that should rise from the dead; the Head or principal One. Also, it was foretold by the prophets, that the Gentiles should be brought to the knowledge of God by the Messiah; and what in this could the Jews justly be displeased at? Thus the true convert can give a reason of his hope, and a good account of the change manifest in him. Yet for going about and calling on men thus to repent and to be converted, vast numbers have been blamed and persecuted.

Verses 24-32 It becomes us, on all occasions, to speak the words of truth and soberness, and then we need not be troubled at the unjust censures of men. Active and laborious followers of the gospel often have been despised as dreamers or madmen, for believing such doctrines and such wonderful facts; and for attesting that the same faith and diligence, and an experience like their own, are necessary to all men, whatever their rank, in order to their salvation. But apostles and prophets, and the Son of God himself, were exposed to this charge; and none need be moved thereby, when Divine grace has made them wise unto salvation. Agrippa saw a great deal of reason for Christianity. His understanding and judgment were for the time convinced, but his heart was not changed. And his conduct and temper were widely different from the humility and spirituality of the gospel. Many are almost persuaded to be religious, who are not quite persuaded; they are under strong convictions of their duty, and of the excellence of the ways of God, yet do not pursue their convictions. Paul urged that it was the concern of every one to become a true Christian; that there is grace enough in Christ for all. He expressed his full conviction of the truth of the gospel, the absolute necessity of faith in Christ in order to salvation. Such salvation from such bondage, the gospel of Christ offers to the Gentiles; to a lost world. Yet it is with much difficulty that any person can be persuaded he needs a work of grace on his heart, like that which was needful for the conversion of the Gentiles. Let us beware of fatal hesitation in our own conduct; and recollect how far the being almost persuaded to be a Christian, is from being altogether such a one as every true believer is.

Footnotes 3

  • [a]. "arameo" . Lit. "el dialecto hebreo" .
  • [b]. "¿Qué sacas " "… " "pared? " Lit. "Te es difícil dar coces contra el aguijón" .
  • [c]. "Un poco " "… " "cristiano" . Alt. "¿Con tan poco pretendes hacerme cristiano?"

Hechos 26 Commentaries

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