Isaías 9

Nos ha nacido un niño

1 A pesar de todo, no habrá más penumbra para la que estuvo angustiada. En el pasado Dios humilló a la tierra de Zabulón y a la tierra de Neftalí; pero en el futuro honrará a Galilea, tierra de paganos, en el camino del mar, al otro lado del Jordán.
2 El pueblo que andaba en la oscuridadha visto una gran luz;sobre los que vivían en densas tinieblasla luz ha resplandecido.
3 Tú has hecho que la nación crezca;has aumentado su alegría.Y se alegran ellos en tu presenciacomo cuando recogen la cosecha,como cuando reparten el botín.
4 Ciertamente tú has quebrado,como en la derrota de Madián,el yugo que los oprimía,la barra que pesaba sobre sus hombros,el bastón de mando que los subyugaba.
5 Todas las botas guerrerasque resonaron en la batalla,y toda la ropa teñida en sangreserán arrojadas al fuego,serán consumidas por las llamas.
6 Porque nos ha nacido un niño,se nos ha concedido un hijo;la soberanía reposará sobre sus hombros,y se le darán estos nombres:Consejero admirable, Dios fuerte,Padre eterno, Príncipe de paz.
7 Se extenderán su soberanía y su paz,y no tendrán fin.Gobernará sobre el trono de Davidy sobre su reino,para establecerlo y sostenerlocon justicia y rectituddesde ahora y para siempre.Esto lo llevará a caboel celo del SEÑORTodopoderoso.

El enojo del Señor contra Israel

8 El Señor ha enviado su palabra;la ha enviado contra Jacob,¡ya cae sobre Israel!
9 De esto se entera todo el pueblo—Efraín y los habitantes de Samaria—,todos los que dicen con orgulloy con altivez de corazón:
10 «Si se caen los ladrillos,reconstruiremos con piedra tallada;si se caen las vigas de higuera,las repondremos con vigas de cedro».
11 Pero el SEÑOR ha fortalecidoa los adversarios de Rezín;ha incitado a sus enemigos.
12 Los sirios en el este y los filisteos en el oestese comieron a Israel de un solo bocado.A pesar de todo esto,la ira de Dios no se ha aplacado;¡su mano aún sigue extendida!
13 Pero el pueblo no ha querido reconoceral que lo ha castigado;no ha buscado al SEÑORTodopoderoso.
14 Por eso en un mismo díael SEÑOR le cortará a Israella cabeza y la cola,la palmera y el junco.
15 La cabeza son los ancianosy la gente de alto rango;la cola son los profetas,maestros de mentiras.
16 Los guías de este pueblo lo han extraviado;los que se dejan guiar son confundidos.
17 Por eso no se complacerá el Señor en los jóvenes,ni se apiadará de huérfanos y viudas,porque todos ellos son impíos y malvados;sus labios profieren necedades.A pesar de todo esto,la ira de Dios no se ha aplacado;¡su mano aún sigue extendida!
18 La maldad arde como un fuegoque consume zarzas y espinos,que incendia la espesura del bosquey sube luego, como torbellino,en una columna de humo.
19 Por la ira del SEÑOR Todopoderosoarderá en fuego la tierra.Y el pueblo será el combustible:¡Nadie se compadecerá de su hermano!
20 Unos comerán lo que esté a su mano derecha,pero se quedarán con hambre;otros comerán lo que esté a su izquierda,pero no quedarán satisfechos.¡Se comerán a sus propios hijos![a]
21 Manasés se comerá a Efraín, y Efraín a Manasés,y los dos juntos atacarán a Judá.A pesar de todo esto,la ira de Dios no se ha aplacado;¡su mano aún sigue extendida!

Images for Isaías 9

Isaías 9 Commentary

Chapter 9

The Son that should be born, and his kingdom. (1-7) The judgments to come upon Israel, and on the enemies of the kingdom of Christ. (8-21)

Verses 1-7 The Syrians and Assyrians first ravaged the countries here mentioned, and that region was first favoured by the preaching of Christ. Those that want the gospel, walk in darkness, and in the utmost danger. But when the gospel comes to any place, to any soul, light comes. Let us earnestly pray that it may shine into our hearts, and make us wise unto salvation. The gospel brings joy with it. Those who would have joy, must expect to go through hard work, as the husbandman, before he has the joy of harvest; and hard conflict, as the soldier, before he divides the spoil. The Jews were delivered from the yoke of many oppressors; this was a shadow of the believer's deliverance from the yoke of Satan. The cleansing the souls of believers from the power and pollution of sin, would be by the influence of the Holy Spirit, as purifying fire. These great things for the church, shall be done by the Messiah, Emmanuel. The Child is born; it was certain; and the church, before Christ came in the flesh, benefitted by his undertaking. It is a prophecy of him and of his kingdom, which those that waited for the Consolation of Israel read with pleasure. This Child was born for the benefit of us men, of us sinners, of all believers, from the beginning to the end of the world. Justly is he called Wonderful, for he is both God and man. His love is the wonder of angels and glorified saints. He is the Counsellor, for he knew the counsels of God from eternity; and he gives counsel to men, in which he consults our welfare. He is the Wonderful Counsellor; none teaches like him. He is God, the mighty One. Such is the work of the Mediator, that no less power than that of the mighty God could bring it to pass. He is God, one with the Father. As the Prince of Peace, he reconciles us to God; he is the Giver of peace in the heart and conscience; and when his kingdom is fully established, men shall learn war no more. The government shall be upon him; he shall bear the burden of it. Glorious things are spoken of Christ's government. There is no end to the increase of its peace, for the happiness of its subjects shall last for ever. The exact agreement of this prophecy with the doctrine of the New Testament, shows that Jewish prophets and Christian teachers had the same view of the person and salvation of the Messiah. To what earthly king or kingdom can these words apply? Give then, O Lord, to thy people to know thee by every endearing name, and in every glorious character. Give increase of grace in every heart of thy redeemed upon earth.

Verses 8-21 Those are ripening apace for ruin, whose hearts are unhumbled under humbling providences. For that which God designs, in smiting us, is, to turn us to himself; and if this point be not gained by lesser judgments, greater may be expected. The leaders of the people misled them. We have reason to be afraid of those that speak well of us, when we do ill. Wickedness was universal, all were infected with it. They shall be in trouble, and see no way out; and when men's ways displease the Lord, he makes even their friends to be at war with them. God would take away those they thought to have help from. Their rulers were the head. Their false prophets were the tail and the rush, the most despicable. In these civil contests, men preyed on near relations who were as their own flesh. The people turn not to Him who smites them, therefore he continues to smite: for when God judges, he will overcome; and the proudest, stoutest sinner shall either bend or break.

Footnotes 1

  • [a]. "a sus propios hijos" . Lit. "la carne de su brazo" .

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains a prophecy, partly of comfort to the church and people of God, against the calamities predicted in the preceding chapter Isa 8:1-22; and partly of punishment, to be inflicted upon the ungodly Israelites by their enemies. The comfort promised arises from the appearance of Christ, the great light, in some certain places of the land mentioned, said before to be afflicted, Isa 9:1,2 which would occasion a joy among them; illustrated by some similes, by the joy in harvest, and at the dividing of spoils, Isa 9:3 the cause of which is a deliverance from a burdensome yoke of tyranny and bondage, wrought in like manner as that by Gideon formerly; different from all other salvations, which are usually obtained with noise and blood, Isa 9:4,5 the author of which is the Messiah; who is described by his birth as man, and by his divine sonship as God; or by his person, having two natures united in him; and by the government devolved on him; and by his several names, which express the greatness and glory of his person and office; and by the increase and administration of his government, Isa 9:6,7 then follows a denunciation of judgment on Israel, Isa 9:8 the instruments of which are pointed at, Isa 9:11,12, and the persons described that should suffer, high and low, rich and poor, young and old, Isa 9:14,15,17 the reasons of it, their making light of former corrections, Isa 9:9,10 their impenitence and hardness under chastenings, Isa 9:13 their going astray by means of their leaders; and their hypocrisy and wickedness, Isa 9:16-18 all which would occasion the wrath of God to burn against them, and consume them, Isa 9:18,19 yea, through hunger and want of provisions, should destroy one another, Isa 9:20,21.

Isaías 9 Commentaries

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