Apocalisse 4:4-11

4 E intorno al trono v’erano ventiquattro troni, e in su i ventiquattro troni vidi sedere i ventiquattro vecchi, vestiti di vestimenti bianchi; ed aveano in su le lor teste delle corone d’oro.
5 E dal trono procedevano folgori, e suoni, e tuoni; e v’erano sette lampane ardenti davanti al trono, le quali sono i sette spiriti di Dio.
6 E davanti al trono v’era come un mare di vetro, simile a cristallo. E quivi in mezzo, ove era il trono, e d’intorno ad esso, v’erano quattro animali, pieni d’occhi, davanti e dietro.
7 E il primo animale era simile ad un leone, e il secondo animale simile ad un vitello, e il terzo animale avea la faccia come un uomo, e il quarto animale era simile ad un’aquila volante.
8 E i quattro animali aveano per uno sei ale d’intorno, e dentro erano pieni d’occhi; e non restano mai, nè giorno, nè notte, di dire: Santo, Santo, Santo è il Signore Iddio, l’Onnipotente che era, che è, che ha da venire!
9 E quando gli animali rendevano gloria, ed onore, e grazie, a colui che sedeva in sul trono, a colui che vive nei secoli de’ secoli;
10 i ventiquattro vecchi si gettavano giù davanti a colui che sedeva in sul trono, e adoravan colui che vive ne’ secoli de’ secoli; e gettavano le lor corone davanti al trono, dicendo:
11 Degno sei, o Signore e Iddio nostro, o Santo, di ricever la gloria, l’onore, e la potenza; perciocchè tu hai create tutte le cose, e per la tua volontà sono, e sono state create.

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Apocalisse 4:4-11 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains an account of the second vision John saw, as preparatory to the sealed book, and the opening of it, as the first vision was to the epistles to the seven churches. The preface to this vision, or the introduction to it, and preparation of John for it, are in Re 4:1,2, which declare the time of it, the position John was in, what he saw and heard, a call to him to come up, and the effect it had upon him; and then follows the vision itself, which is of a throne, described by the place where it was set, in heaven; and by him that sat upon it, Re 4:2, who was like to a jasper and a sardine stone; and by what was about it, first a rainbow of an emerald colour, Re 4:3, then four and twenty seats, with as many elders upon them, sitting clothed and crowned, Re 4:4, and by what went out from it, lightnings, thunderings, and voices; and by what were before it, seven burning lamps, which are the seven spirits of God, Re 4:5, and a sea of glass like crystal; and by what were between it all around, and the elders, four living creatures, described in general by their being full of eyes, before and behind, Re 4:6, in particular, the first by its likeness to a lion, the second by its likeness to a calf, the third by its likeness to a man, and the fourth by its likeness to a flying eagle, Re 4:7, and by what were common to them, first by their wings, of which they had each of them six; and by their eyes, they were full of within; and by their constant employment in celebrating the perfections of God, and in giving glory, honour, and thanks unto him, Re 4:8,9, at which time also the four and twenty elders appear in a worshipping posture, and give adoration to God; partly by deeds, casting their crowns before his throne; and partly by words, ascribing glory, honour, and power to him; giving a reason for it, taken from his creating all things for his pleasure, Re 4:10,11.

The Giovanni Diodati Bible is in the public domain.