Génesis 45:14-24

14 Y se echó sobre el cuello de Benjamín su hermano, y lloró; y también Benjamín lloró sobre su cuello
15 Y besó a todos sus hermanos, y lloró sobre ellos; y después sus hermanos hablaron con él
16 Y se oyó la noticia en la casa del Faraón, diciendo: Los hermanos de José han venido. Y agradó a los ojos del Faraón y de sus siervos
17 Y dijo el Faraón a José: Di a tus hermanos: Haced esto: cargad vuestras bestias, e id, volved a la tierra de Canaán
18 y tomad a vuestro padre y vuestras familias, y venid a mí, que yo os daré lo bueno de la tierra de Egipto y comeréis la grosura de la tierra
19 Y tú manda: Haced esto: tomaos de la tierra de Egipto carros para vuestros niños y vuestras mujeres; y tomad a vuestro padre, y venid
20 Y no se os preocupe por vuestras alhajas, porque el bien de la tierra de Egipto será vuestro
21 Y lo hicieron así los hijos de Israel; y les dio José carros conforme a la orden del Faraón, y les suministró mantenimiento para el camino
22 A cada uno de todos ellos dio mudas de vestidos, y a Benjamín dio trescientas piezas de plata, y cinco mudas de vestidos
23 Y a su padre envió esto: diez asnos cargados de lo mejor de Egipto, y diez asnas cargadas de trigo, y pan, y comida para su padre para el camino
24 Y despidió a sus hermanos, y se fueron. Y él les dijo: No riñáis por el camino

Génesis 45:14-24 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains an account of Joseph's making himself known to his brethren, which was done when they were alone, Ge 45:1-4; when he encouraged them not to distress themselves on account of their selling him into Egypt, for God in his providence had sent him there for their good, Ge 45:5-8; and he ordered them to go forthwith to Canaan, and acquaint his father with all the honour and glory they saw him in, and to desire him to come thither to him, where he should be provided for during the five years of famine yet to come, in the best part of the land of Egypt, Ge 45:9-13; upon which he expressed the strongest affection to Benjamin, and to all his brethren, Ge 45:14,15; the fame of this was soon spread in the house of Pharaoh, which gave the king great pleasure, who immediately expressed his earnest desire that his father might come and settle in Egypt, and ordered provisions to be sent him, and carriages to bring him down, and all that belonged to him, Ge 45:16-20; and Joseph accordingly delivered to his brethren wagons and provisions for the way, and gave gifts to them, and sent a present to his father, and dismissed his brethren with an exhortation not to fall out by the way, Ge 45:21-24; and when they came to Canaan, they acquainted their father with all these things, who at first could not believe them; but when he saw the wagons, his spirit revived, and determined to go and see his son, Ge 45:25-28.

Título en Inglés – The Jubilee Bible

(De las Escrituras de La Reforma)

Editado por: Russell M. Stendal

Jubilee Bible 2000 – Russell Martin Stendal

© 2000, 2001, 2010