Luke 10:15-25

15 And thou Capernau which art exalted to heave shalt be thrust doune to hell.
16 He yt heareth you heareth me: and he that dispiseth you despiseth me: and he that dispiseth me despiseth him that sent me.
17 And the sevetie returned agayne with ioye sayinge: Lorde even the very devyls are subdued to vs thorowe thy name.
18 And he sayde vnto them: I sawe satan as it had bene lightenyng faule doune fro heave.
19 Beholde I geve vnto you power to treade on serpetes and scorpions and over all maner power of the enimye and no thinge shall hurte you.
20 Neverthelesse in this reioyse not that ye spretes are vnder youre power: but reioyse be cause youre names are wrytten in heaven.
21 That same tyme reioysed Iesus in ye sprete and sayde: I confesse vnto ye father Lorde of heaven and erth yt thou hast hyd these thynges from the wyse and prudent and hast opened them to the babes. Even so father for soo pleased it the.
22 All thinges are geven me of my father. And no man knoweth who the sonne is but the father: nether who the father is save the sonne and he to who the sonne wyll shewe him.
23 And he turned to his disciples and sayde secretly: Happy are ye eyes which se yt ye se.
24 For I tell you that many prophetes and kynges have desired to se those thinges which ye se and have not sene them: and to heare those thinges which ye heare and have not hearde them.
25 And beholde a certayne Lawere stode vp and tempted him sayinge: Master what shall I do to inheret eternall life?
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