Luke 2:41-51

41 And his father and mother went to Hierusalem every yeare at the feeste of ester.
42 And when he was .xii. yere olde they went vp to Hierusalem after the custome of the feeste.
43 And when they had fulfilled the dayes as they returned home the chylde Iesus boode styll in Hierusalem vnknowynge to his father and mother.
44 For they supposed he had bene in the copany and therfore came a days iorney and sought him amoge their kynsfolke and acquayntaunce.
45 And when they founde hym not they went backe agayne to Hierusalem and sought him.
46 And it fortuned after .iii. dayes that they founde him in the teple sittinge in the middes of the doctours both hearynge them and posinge them.
47 And all that hearde him mervelled at his wit and answers.
48 And when they sawe him they were astonyed. And his mother sayde vnto him: sonne why hast thou thus dealte with vs? Beholde thy father and I have sought the sorowenge.
49 And he sayde vnto the: how is it yt ye sought me? Wist ye not that I must goo aboute my fathers busines?
50 And they vnderstode not ye sayinge that he spake to them.
51 And he went with them and came to Nazareth and was obedient to the. But his mother kept all these thinges in her hert.
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