Offenbarung 2:13-23

13 Ich weiß, was du tust und wo du wohnst, da des Satans Stuhl ist; und hältst an meinem Namen und hast meinen Glauben nicht verleugnet auch in den Tagen, in welchen Antipas, mein treuer Zeuge, bei euch getötet ist, da der Satan wohnt.
14 Aber ich habe ein Kleines wider dich, daß du daselbst hast, die an der Lehre Bileams halten, welcher lehrte den Balak ein Ärgernis aufrichten vor den Kindern Israel, zu essen Götzenopfer und Hurerei zu treiben.
15 Also hast du auch, die an der Lehre der Nikolaiten halten: das hasse ich.
16 Tue Buße; wo aber nicht, so werde ich dir bald kommen und mit ihnen kriegen durch das Schwert meines Mundes.
17 Wer Ohren hat, der höre, was der Geist den Gemeinden sagt: Wer überwindet, dem will zu essen geben von dem verborgenen Manna und will ihm geben einen weißen Stein und auf den Stein einen neuen Namen geschrieben, welchen niemand kennt, denn der ihn empfängt.
18 Und dem Engel der Gemeinde zu Thyatira schreibe: Das sagt der Sohn Gottes, der Augen hat wie Feuerflammen, und seine Füße sind gleichwie Messing:
19 Ich weiß deine Werke und deine Liebe und deinen Dienst und deinen Glauben und deine Geduld und daß du je länger, je mehr tust.
20 Aber ich habe wider dich, daß du lässest das Weib Isebel, die da spricht, sie sei eine Prophetin, lehren und verführen meine Knechte, Hurerei zu treiben und Götzenopfer zu essen.
21 Und ich habe ihr Zeit gegeben, daß sie sollte Buße tun für ihre Hurerei; und sie tut nicht Buße.
22 Siehe, ich werfe sie in ein Bett, und die mit ihr die Ehe gebrochen haben, in große Trübsal, wo sie nicht Buße tun für ihre Werke,
23 und ihre Kinder will ich zu Tode schlagen. Und alle Gemeinden sollen erkennen, daß ich es bin, der die Nieren und Herzen erforscht; und ich werde geben einem jeglichen unter euch nach euren Werken.

Offenbarung 2:13-23 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains the epistles to the churches at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, and Thyatira. It begins with that to Ephesus, in which the sender of it describes himself by some of his characters mentioned in the preceding chapter; takes notice of some things commendable in this church, Re 2:1-3, reproves her for leaving her first love; gives some advice upon it; threatens her in case of non-repentance; yet notwithstanding commends her for her detestation of some bad practices; and concludes the epistle with a phrase exciting to attention to what is written, and with a promise to them that are constant and conquering, Re 2:4-7, next follows the epistle to the church at Smyrna, in which the sender assumes some of his former titles; takes notice of her works in general, and of her afflictions in particular, and of the blasphemy of others, Re 2:8,9, fortifies her against a great affliction to be endured, described by its author, kind, use, and duration; and exhorts to faithfulness and constancy, with a promise of a crown of life, Re 2:10, and closes the epistle in the same form as the preceding, promising security from the second death to the persevering and conquering Christian, Re 2:11, and next in order is the epistle to the church at Pergamos, in which the sender takes to him one of the above characters in the description of him; observes her works and place of abode, and commends her faithfulness to him in the worst of times and places, Re 2:12,13, yet exhibits a complaint against her for having, and conniving at persons of bad principles and practice, called Balaamites and Nicolaitans, Re 2:14,15, exhorts to repentance, and in failure of it threatens to come and fight against them; and closes the epistle in the same manner as the two former, with a promise of hidden manna, a white stone, and a new name to him that overcomes, Re 2:16,17, and the last epistle in this chapter is that to the church at Thyatira, in which the sender makes use of some other titles and characters of his before mentioned; takes notice of her good works, and yet signifies he had a controversy with her, for permitting a false prophetess to teach in her, who seduced men to fornication and idolatry, Re 2:18-20, whose impenitence is complained of, and which was aggravated by having space for repentance given her, Re 2:21, wherefore, in case of continuance in impenitence, he threatens both her and her followers with tribulation and death, whereby the omniscience and justice of Christ would be manifest to all the churches, Re 2:22,23, and then another and better sort of men in this church are addressed, who are described as not having imbibed the doctrine of the false prophetess, and as not approving the depths of Satan, or her doctrines of devils; and these are told that no other burden should be laid on them than was, and are exhorted to hold fast what they had, until the coming of Christ, Re 2:24,25, and for their encouragement to hold on to the end, many promises are made unto them respecting their power and rule over their enemies, and the happy days that they should enjoy, Re 2:26-28, and the epistle is concluded with the usual epiphonema, Re 2:29.

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