Psaume 103:2-12

2 Mon âme, bénis l'Eternel, Et n'oublie aucun de ses bienfaits!
3 C'est lui qui pardonne toutes tes iniquités, Qui guérit toutes tes maladies;
4 C'est lui qui délivre ta vie de la fosse, Qui te couronne de bonté et de miséricorde;
5 C'est lui qui rassasie de biens ta vieillesse, Qui te fait rajeunir comme l'aigle.
6 L'Eternel fait justice, Il fait droit à tous les opprimés.
7 Il a manifesté ses voies à Moïse, Ses oeuvres aux enfants d'Israël.
8 L'Eternel est miséricordieux et compatissant, Lent à la colère et riche en bonté;
9 Il ne conteste pas sans cesse, Il ne garde pas sa colère à toujours;
10 Il ne nous traite pas selon nos péchés, Il ne nous punit pas selon nos iniquités.
11 Mais autant les cieux sont élevés au-dessus de la terre, Autant sa bonté est grande pour ceux qui le craignent;
12 Autant l'orient est éloigné de l'occident, Autant il éloigne de nous nos transgressions.

Images for Psaume 103:2-12

Psaume 103:2-12 Meaning and Commentary


\\<>\\. The Targum adds, ``spoken in prophecy,'' as doubtless it was, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Some think it was written by David, after a fit of illness, and his recovery from it, since he speaks of his diseases being healed, and his youth renewed; for which reason the Syriac interpreter suggests it was written in his old age; for he makes the subject of the psalm to be, ``concerning coldness which prevailed upon him in old age;'' but rather he wrote it when his heart was warm with a sense of the love of God, and spiritual blessings of grace flowing from thence; and in it celebrates and sings the benefits of New Testament times; and it is a psalm suitable to be sung by every believer, under a quick sense of divine favours: wherefore the above interpreter better adds, ``also an instruction and thanksgiving by men of God;'' whom the psalmist may very well be thought to personate, even in Gospel times; and much rather than the Jews in captivity, as Kimchi thinks.

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