Illustration: Christmas

Illustration: Christmas

Carolina County magazine once asked readers to send in stories of memorable Christmases. Revonda Starnes told one of the most memorable stories. Revonda was raised by her great-grandmother in severe poverty. She grew up being confused as to why Santa visited everyone else, but not her. She tried to be good enough for Santa to visit, but assumed she was not worthy. As an adult, one day she mentioned to a friend that she had never had a visit from Santa or even a stocking. The co-worker urged her to hang a stocking on her front porch on Christmas Eve anyway. Revonda did as she was told and listened for footsteps, but nothing happened; so she went to bed. When she woke up on Christmas to retrieve her stocking, she saw a porch full of presents with her name on them. There was clothing, fruit, towels, toiletries, etc. Revonda said the act of kindness from her co-worker "renewed my life."