Isaia 57

1 Il giusto muore, e nessuno vi pon mente; gli uomini pii sono tolti via, e nessuno considera che il giusto è tolto via per sottrarlo ai mali che vengono.
2 Egli entra nella pace; quelli che han camminato per la diritta via riposano sui loro letti.
3 Ma voi, avvicinatevi qua, o figliuoli della incantatrice, progenie dell’adultero e della prostituta!
4 Alle spalle di chi vi divertite? Verso chi aprite larga la bocca e cacciate fuori la lingua? Non siete voi figliuoli della ribellione, progenie della menzogna,
5 voi che v’infiammate fra i terebinti sotto ogni albero verdeggiante, che scannate i figliuoli nelle valli sotto le grotte delle rocce?
6 La tua parte è fra le pietre lisce del torrente; quelle, quelle son la sorte che ti è toccata; a quelle tu hai fatto libazioni, e hai presentato oblazioni. Posso io tollerare in pace coteste cose?
7 Tu poni il tuo letto sopra un monte alto, elevato, e quivi pure sali ad offrire sacrifizi.
8 Hai messo il tuo memoriale dietro le porte e dietro gli stipiti; poiché, lungi da me, tu scopri il tuo letto, vi monti, l’allarghi, e fermi il patto con loro; tu ami il loro letto e in esso ti scegli un posto.
9 Tu vai dal re con dell’olio, e gli rechi dei profumi in quantità, mandi lontano i tuoi ambasciatori, e t’abbassi fino al soggiorno de’ morti.
10 Per il tuo lungo cammino ti stanchi, ma non dici: "E’ inutile!" Tu trovi ancora del vigore nella tua mano, e perciò non ti senti esausta.
11 Chi dunque paventi? di chi hai paura per rinnegarmi così? per non più ricordarti di me, per non dartene più pensiero? Non me ne sono io rimasto in silenzio e da gran tempo? Per questo tu non mi temi più.
12 Io proclamerò la tua rettitudine, e le tue opere… che non ti gioveranno nulla.
13 Quando tu griderai, venga a salvarti la folla de’ tuoi idoli! Il vento li porterà via tutti, un soffio li torrà via; ma chi si rifugia in me possederà il paese ed erediterà il mio monte santo.
14 E si dirà: Acconciate, acconciate, preparate la via, togliete gli ostacoli dalla via del mio popolo!
15 Poiché così parla Colui ch’è l’Alto, l’eccelso, che abita l’eternità, e che ha nome "il Santo": Io dimoro nel luogo alto e santo, ma son con colui ch’è contrito ed umile di spirito, per ravvivare lo spirito degli umili, per ravvivare il cuore dei contriti.
16 Poiché io non voglio contendere in perpetuo né serbar l’ira in eterno, affinché gli spiriti, le anime che io ho fatte, non vengan meno dinanzi a me.
17 Per la iniquità della sua cupidigia io mi sono adirato, e l’ho colpito; mi sono nascosto, mi sono indignato; ed egli ribelle, ha seguito la via del suo cuore.
18 Io ho vedute le sue vie, e lo guarirò; lo guiderò, e ridarò le mie consolazioni a lui e a quelli dei suoi che sono afflitti.
19 Io creo la lode ch’esce dalle labbra. Pace, pace a colui ch’è lontano e a colui ch’è vicino! dice l’Eterno; io lo guarirò.
20 Ma gli empi sono come il mare agitato, quando non si può calmare e le sue acque caccian fuori fango e pantano.
21 Non v’è pace per gli empi, dice il mio Dio.

Isaia 57 Commentary

Chapter 57

The blessed death of the righteous. (1,2) The abominable idolatries of the Jewish nation. (3-12) Promises to the humble and contrite. (13-21)

Verses 1-2 The righteous are delivered from the sting of death, not from the stroke of it. The careless world disregards this. Few lament it as a public loss, and very few notice it as a public warning. They are taken away in compassion, that they may not see the evil, nor share in it, nor be tempted by it. The righteous man, when he dies, enters into peace and rest.

Verses 3-12 The Lord here calls apostates and hypocrites to appear before him. When reproved for their sins, and threatened with judgments, they ridiculed the word of God. The Jews were guilty of idolatry before the captivity; but not after that affliction. Their zeal in the worship of false gods, may shame our indifference in the worship of the true God. The service of sin is disgraceful slavery; those who thus debase themselves to hell, will justly have their portion there. Men incline to a religion that inflames their unholy passions. They are led to do any evil, however great or vile, if they think it will atone for crimes, or purchase indulgence for some favourite lust. This explains idolatry, whether pagan, Jewish, or antichristian. But those who set up anything instead of God, for their hope and confidence, never will come to a right end. Those who forsake the only right way, wander in a thousand by-paths. The pleasures of sin soon tire, but never satisfy. Those who care not for the word of God and his providences, show they have no fear of God. Sin profits not; it ruins and destroys.

Verses 13-21 The idols and their worshippers shall come to nothing; but those who trust in God's grace, shall be brought to the joys of heaven. With the Lord there is neither beginning of days, nor end of life, nor change of time. His name is holy, and all must know him as a holy God. He will have tender regard to those who bring their mind to their condition, and dread his wrath. He will make his abode with those whose hearts he has thus humbled, in order to revive and comfort them. When troubles last long, even good men are tempted to entertain hard thoughts of God. Therefore He will not contend for ever, for he will not forsake the work of his own hands, nor defeat the purchase of his Son's blood. Covetousness is a sin that particularly lays men under the Divine displeasure. See the sinfulness of sin. See also that troubles cannot reform men unless God's grace work in them. Peace shall be published, perfect peace. It is the fruit of preaching lips, and praying lips. Christ came and preached peace to Gentiles, as well as to the Jews; to after-ages, who were afar off in time, as well as to those of that age. But the wicked would not be healed by God's grace, therefore would not be healed by his comforts. Their ungoverned lusts and passions made them like the troubled sea. Also the terrors of conscience disturbed their enjoyments. God hath said it, and all the world cannot unsay it, That there is no peace to those who allow themselves in any sin. If we are recovered from such an awful state, it is only by the grace of God. And the influences of the Holy Spirit, and that new heart, from whence comes grateful praise, the fruit of our lips, are his gift. Salvation, with all its fruits, hopes, and comforts, is his work, and to him belongs all the glory. There is no peace for the wicked man; but let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, and he will abundantly pardon.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains complaints of the stupidity and idolatry of the people, described in the latter part of the preceding chapter; and some promises of grace to the people of God. The stupidity of the former is observed, Isa 57:1 they not taking notice of the death of good men, nor of impending calamities they were taken from, whose happiness is described, Isa 57:2, then these idolatrous people are summoned before the Lord, Isa 57:3 and are charged with deriding the saints with idolatry and murder, Isa 57:4-6 and their idolatry is represented under the notion of adultery, attended with very aggravating circumstances, Isa 57:7-9 and yet these people still entertained presumptuous hopes of happiness, and boasted of, and trusted in, their righteousness and good works, which would be exposed, and be of no advantage to them, Isa 57:10-12, next follow promises of grace to the saints, that such that trusted in Christ should inherit the holy mountain, Isa 57:13 that the stumblingblock of his people should be removed, Isa 57:14, that he should dwell with the humble and contrite, Isa 57:15, and not be always wroth and contend with them, for a reason given, Isa 57:16 and that though he had smote them, and hid his face from them because of their sins, yet would heal them, lead them, and comfort them, and speak peace unto them, Isa 57:17-19 and the chapter is concluded with the character of the wicked, and an assurance that there is no peace for them, Isa 57:20,21.

Isaia 57 Commentaries

The Riveduta Bible is in the public domain.