Ezekiel 45

1 cumque coeperitis terram dividere sortito separate primitias Domino sanctificatum de terra longitudine viginti quinque milia et latitudine decem milia sanctificatum erit in omni termino eius per circuitum
2 et erit ex omni parte sanctificatum quingentos per quingentos quadrifariam per circuitum et quinquaginta cubitis in suburbana eius per gyrum
3 et a mensura ista mensurabis longitudinem viginti quinque milium et latitudinem decem milium et in ipso erit templum sanctumque sanctorum
4 sanctificatum de terra erit sacerdotibus ministris sanctuarii qui accedunt ad ministerium Domini et erit eis locus in domos et in sanctuarium sanctitatis
5 viginti quinque autem milia longitudinis et decem milia latitudinis erunt Levitis qui ministrant domui ipsi possidebunt viginti gazofilacia
6 et possessionem civitatis dabitis quinque milia latitudinis et longitudinis viginti quinque milia secundum separationem sanctuarii omni domui Israhel
7 principi quoque hinc et inde in separationem sanctuarii et in possessionem civitatis contra faciem separationis sanctuarii et contra faciem possessionis urbis a latere maris usque ad mare et a latere orientis usque ad orientem longitudinem autem iuxta unamquamque partium a termino occidentali usque ad terminum orientalem
8 de terra erit ei possessio in Israhel et non depopulabuntur ultra principes populum meum sed terram dabunt domui Israhel secundum tribus eorum
9 haec dicit Dominus Deus sufficiat vobis principes Israhel iniquitatem et rapinas intermittite et iudicium et iustitiam facite separate confinia vestra a populo meo ait Dominus Deus
10 statera iusta et oephi iustum et batus iustus erit vobis
11 oephi et batus aequalia et unius mensurae erunt ut capiat decimam partem chori batus et decimam partem chori oephi iuxta mensuram chori erit aequa libratio eorum
12 siclus autem viginti obolos habeat porro viginti sicli et viginti quinque sicli et quindecim sicli minam facient
13 et haec sunt primitiae quas tolletis sextam partem oephi de choro frumenti et sextam partem oephi de choro hordei
14 mensura quoque olei batus olei decima pars chori est et decem bati chorum faciunt quia decem bati implent chorum
15 et arietem unum de grege ducentorum de his quae nutriunt Israhel in sacrificium et in holocaustum et in pacifica ad expiandum pro eis ait Dominus Deus
16 omnis populus terrae tenebitur primitiis his principi in Israhel
17 et super principem erunt holocausta et sacrificium et libamina in sollemnitatibus et in kalendis et in sabbatis in universis sollemnitatibus domus Israhel ipse faciat pro peccato sacrificium et holocaustum et pacifica ad expiandum pro domo Israhel
18 haec dicit Dominus Deus in primo mense una mensis sumes vitulum de armento inmaculatum et expiabis sanctuarium
19 et tollet sacerdos de sanguine quod erit pro peccato et ponet in postibus domus et in quattuor angulis crepidinis altaris et in postibus portae atrii interioris
20 et sic facies in septima mensis pro unoquoque qui ignoravit et errore deceptus est et expiabitis pro domo
21 in primo mense quartadecima die mensis erit vobis paschae sollemnitas septem diebus azyma comedentur
22 et faciet princeps in die illa pro se et pro universo populo terrae vitulum pro peccato
23 et in septem dierum sollemnitate faciet holocaustum Domino septem vitulos et septem arietes inmaculatos cotidie septem diebus et pro peccato hircum caprarum cotidie
24 et sacrificium oephi per vitulum et oephi per arietem faciet et olei hin per singula oephi
25 septimo mense quintadecima die mensis in sollemnitate faciet sicut supra dicta sunt per septem dies tam pro peccato quam pro holocausto et in sacrificio et in oleo

Ezekiel 45 Commentary

Chapter 45

- In the period here foretold, the worship and the ministers of God will be provided for; the princes will rule with justice, as holding their power under Christ; the people will live in peace, ease, and godliness. These things seem to be represented in language taken from the customs of the times in which the prophet wrote. Christ is our Passover that is sacrificed for us: we celebrate the memorial of that sacrifice, and feast upon it, triumphing in our deliverance out of the Egyptian slavery of sin, and our preservation from the destroying sword of Divine justice, in the Lord's supper, which is our passover feast; as the whole Christian life is, and must be, the feast of the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

Chapter Summary


This chapter treats of the division of the land in future time, and the persons and uses for which it is to be made; one part being for the sanctuary, and the priests that serve in it, and for their houses for them to dwell in, Eze 45:1-4, another for the Levites and their chambers, Eze 45:5, and another for the city, for the Israelites in common, Eze 45:6, and the last for the prince; and of the situation and extent of it, Eze 45:7,8 and of the righteous administration of civil government in the time of the spiritual reign of Christ, in abstinence from violence and exactions, and doing justice, for which orders and directions are given, Eze 45:9-12, then of the oblations of the people of the land, Eze 45:13-16, and next of those that are to be prepared by the prince, Eze 45:17, and the times of the offering of them, at the beginning of the year, on the feasts of the passover and tabernacles, Eze 45:18-25, the rules for which are so different from the Mosaic law, as show the abrogation of that; and that all this is to be understood in a spiritual and evangelic sense.

Ezekiel 45 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.