Leviticus 27

1 locutusque est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
2 loquere filiis Israhel et dices ad eos homo qui votum fecerit et spoponderit Deo animam suam sub aestimatione dabit pretium
3 si fuerit masculus a vicesimo usque ad sexagesimum annum dabit quinquaginta siclos argenti ad mensuram sanctuarii
4 si mulier triginta
5 a quinto autem anno usque ad vicesimum masculus dabit viginti siclos femina decem
6 ab uno mense usque ad annum quintum pro masculo dabuntur quinque sicli pro femina tres
7 sexagenarius et ultra masculus dabit quindecim siclos femina decem
8 si pauper fuerit et aestimationem reddere non valebit stabit coram sacerdote et quantum ille aestimaverit et viderit eum posse reddere tantum dabit
9 animal autem quod immolari potest Domino si quis voverit sanctum erit
10 et mutari non poterit id est nec melius malo nec peius bono quod si mutaverit et ipsum quod mutatum est et illud pro quo mutatum est consecratum erit Domino
11 animal inmundum quod immolari Domino non potest si quis voverit adducetur ante sacerdotem
12 qui diiudicans utrum bonum an malum sit statuet pretium
13 quod si dare voluerit is qui offert addet supra aestimationis quintam partem
14 homo si voverit domum suam et sanctificaverit Domino considerabit eam sacerdos utrum bona an mala sit et iuxta pretium quod ab eo fuerit constitutum venundabitur
15 sin autem ille qui voverat voluerit redimere eam dabit quintam partem aestimationis supra et habebit domum
16 quod si agrum possessionis suae voverit et consecraverit Domino iuxta mensuram sementis aestimabitur pretium si triginta modiis hordei seritur terra quinquaginta siclis veniet argenti
17 si statim ab anno incipientis iobelei voverit agrum quanto valere potest tanto aestimabitur
18 sin autem post aliquantum temporis supputabit sacerdos pecuniam iuxta annorum qui reliqui sunt numerum usque ad iobeleum et detrahetur ex pretio
19 quod si voluerit redimere agrum ille qui voverat addet quintam partem aestimatae pecuniae et possidebit eum
20 sin autem noluerit redimere sed alteri cuilibet fuerit venundatus ultra eum qui voverat redimere non poterit
21 quia cum iobelei venerit dies sanctificatus erit Domino et possessio consecrata ad ius pertinet sacerdotum
22 si ager emptus et non de possessione maiorum sanctificatus fuerit Domino
23 supputabit sacerdos iuxta annorum numerum usque ad iobeleum pretium et dabit ille qui voverat eum Domino
24 in iobeleo autem revertetur ad priorem dominum qui vendiderat eum et habuerat in sortem possessionis suae
25 omnis aestimatio siclo sanctuarii ponderabitur siclus viginti obolos habet
26 primogenita quae ad Dominum pertinent nemo sanctificare poterit et vovere sive bos sive ovis fuerit Domini sunt
27 quod si inmundum est animal redimet qui obtulit iuxta aestimationem tuam et addet quintam partem pretii si redimere noluerit vendetur alteri quantocumque a te fuerit aestimatum
28 omne quod Domino consecratur sive homo fuerit sive animal sive ager non veniet nec redimi poterit quicquid semel fuerit consecratum sanctum sanctorum erit Domino
29 et omnis consecratio quae offertur ab homine non redimetur sed morte morietur
30 omnes decimae terrae sive de frugibus sive de pomis arborum Domini sunt et illi sanctificantur
31 si quis autem voluerit redimere decimas suas addet quintam partem earum
32 omnium decimarum boves et oves et caprae quae sub pastoris virga transeunt quicquid decimum venerit sanctificabitur Domino
33 non eligetur nec bonum nec malum nec altero commutabitur si quis mutaverit et quod mutatum est et pro quo mutatum est sanctificabitur Domino et non redimetur
34 haec sunt praecepta quae mandavit Dominus Mosi ad filios Israhel in monte Sinai

Leviticus 27 Commentary

Chapter 27

The law concerning vows, Of persons and animals. (1-13) Vows concerning houses and land. (14-25) Devoted things not to be redeemed. (26-33) Conclusion. (34)

Verses 1-13 Zeal for the service of God disposed the Israelites, on some occasions, to dedicate themselves or their children to the service of the Lord, in his house for life. Some persons who thus dedicated themselves might be employed as assistants; in general they were to be redeemed for a value. It is good to be zealously affected and liberally disposed for the Lord's service; but the matter should be well weighed, and prudence should direct as to what we do; else rash vows and hesitation in doing them will dishonour God, and trouble our own minds.

Verses 14-25 Our houses, lands, cattle, and all our substance, must be used to the glory of God. It is acceptable to him that a portion be given to support his worship, and to promote his cause. But God would not approve such a degree of zeal as ruined a man's family.

Verses 26-33 Things or persons devoted, are distinguished from things or persons that were only sanctified. Devoted things were most holy to the Lord, and could neither be taken back nor applied to other purposes. Whatever productions they had the benefit, God must be honoured with the tenth of, if it could be applied. Thus they acknowledge God to be the Owner of their land, the Giver of its fruits, and themselves to be his tenants, and dependants upon him. Thus they gave him thanks for the plenty they enjoyed, and besought his favour in the continuance of it. We are taught to honour the Lord with our substance.

Verse 34 The last verse seems to have reference to this whole book. Many of the precepts in it are moral, and always binding; others are ceremonial, and peculiar to the Jewish nation; yet they have a spiritual meaning, and so teach us; for unto us, by these institutions, is the gospel preached, as well as unto them, Heb. 4:2 . The doctrine of reconciliation to God by a Mediator, is not clouded with the smoke of burning sacrifice, but cleared by the knowledge of Christ and him crucified. We are under the sweet and easy institutions of the gospel, which pronounces those true worshippers, who worship the Father in spirit and truth, by Christ only, and in his name. Yet, let us not think, because we are not tied to the ceremonial rites and oblations, that a little care, time, and expense, will serve to honour God with. Having boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, let us draw near with a true heart, and in full assurance of faith, worshipping God with the more cheerfulness and humble confidence, still saying, BLESSED BE GOD FOR JESUS CHRIST.

Chapter Summary


This chapter contains various laws concerning vows made unto the Lord, whether of persons whose estimation was to be made by the priest, according to their age, sex, and condition, Le 26:1-8; or of beasts, clean and unclean, good or bad, Le 26:9-13; or of houses, fields, and lands, the estimation of which was to be according to its seed, and the time of its being set apart, whether from or after the year of jubilee, and the number of years to it, Le 26:14-25; with this exception to the above laws, that no firstling of the Lord's might be sanctified, and if an unclean beast it might be redeemed, but nothing devoted to the Lord, whether of man, beast, or field, might be sold or redeemed, Le 26:26-29; and the chapter is concluded with some laws concerning the redemption or change of tithes, what might or what might not be redeemed or changed, Le 26:30-34;

Leviticus 27 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.