1 Samuel 14

1 et accidit quadam die ut diceret Ionathan filius Saul ad adulescentem armigerum suum veni et transeamus ad stationem Philisthim quae est trans locum illum patri autem suo hoc ipsum non indicavit
2 porro Saul morabatur in extrema parte Gabaa sub malogranato quae erat in Magron et erat populus cum eo quasi sescentorum virorum
3 et Ahias filius Achitob fratris Ichabod filii Finees qui ortus fuerat ex Heli sacerdote Domini in Silo portabat ephod sed et populus ignorabat quod isset Ionathan
4 erant autem inter ascensus per quos nitebatur Ionathan transire ad stationem Philisthinorum eminentes petrae ex utraque parte et quasi in modum dentium scopuli hinc inde praerupti nomen uni Boses et nomen alteri Sene
5 unus scopulus prominens ad aquilonem ex adverso Machmas et alter a meridie contra Gabaa
6 dixit autem Ionathan ad adulescentem armigerum suum veni transeamus ad stationem incircumcisorum horum si forte faciat Dominus pro nobis quia non est Domino difficile salvare vel in multitudine vel in paucis
7 dixitque ei armiger suus fac omnia quae placent animo tuo perge quo cupis ero tecum ubicumque volueris
8 et ait Ionathan ecce nos transimus ad viros istos cumque apparuerimus eis
9 si taliter locuti fuerint ad nos manete donec veniamus ad vos stemus in loco nostro nec ascendamus ad eos
10 si autem dixerint ascendite ad nos ascendamus quia tradidit eos Dominus in manibus nostris hoc erit nobis signum
11 apparuit igitur uterque stationi Philisthinorum dixeruntque Philisthim en Hebraei egrediuntur de cavernis in quibus absconditi fuerant
12 et locuti sunt viri de statione ad Ionathan et ad armigerum eius dixeruntque ascendite ad nos et ostendimus vobis rem et ait Ionathan ad armigerum suum ascendamus sequere me tradidit enim eos Dominus in manu Israhel
13 ascendit autem Ionathan reptans manibus et pedibus et armiger eius post eum itaque alii cadebant ante Ionathan alios armiger eius interficiebat sequens eum
14 et facta est plaga prima quam percussit Ionathan et armiger eius quasi viginti virorum in media parte iugeri quam par boum in die arare consuevit
15 et factum est miraculum in castris per agros sed et omnis populus stationis eorum qui ierant ad praedandum obstipuit et conturbata est terra et accidit quasi miraculum a Deo
16 et respexerunt speculatores Saul qui erant in Gabaa Beniamin et ecce multitudo prostrata et huc illucque diffugiens
17 et ait Saul populo qui erat cum eo requirite et videte quis abierit ex nobis cumque requisissent reppertum est non adesse Ionathan et armigerum eius
18 et ait Saul ad Ahiam adplica arcam Dei erat enim ibi arca Dei in die illa cum filiis Israhel
19 cumque loqueretur Saul ad sacerdotem tumultus magnus exortus est in castris Philisthinorum crescebatque paulatim et clarius reboabat et ait Saul ad sacerdotem contrahe manum tuam
20 conclamavit ergo Saul et omnis populus qui erat cum eo et venerunt usque ad locum certaminis et ecce versus fuerat gladius uniuscuiusque ad proximum suum et caedes magna nimis
21 sed et Hebraei qui fuerant cum Philisthim heri et nudius tertius ascenderantque cum eis in castris reversi sunt ut essent cum Israhele qui erant cum Saul et Ionathan
22 omnes quoque Israhelitae qui se absconderant in monte Ephraim audientes quod fugissent Philisthim sociaverunt se cum suis in proelio
23 et salvavit Dominus in die illa Israhel pugna autem pervenit usque Bethaven
24 et vir Israhel sociatus sibi est in die illa adiuravit autem Saul populum dicens maledictus vir qui comederit panem usque ad vesperam donec ulciscar de inimicis meis et non manducavit universus populus panem
25 omneque terrae vulgus venit in saltum in quo erat mel super faciem agri
26 ingressus est itaque populus saltum et apparuit fluens mel nullusque adplicuit manum ad os suum timebat enim populus iuramentum
27 porro Ionathan non audierat cum adiuraret pater eius populum extenditque summitatem virgae quam habebat in manu et intinxit in favo mellis et convertit manum suam ad os suum et inluminati sunt oculi eius
28 respondensque unus de populo ait iureiurando constrinxit pater tuus populum dicens maledictus qui comederit panem hodie defecerat autem populus
29 dixitque Ionathan turbavit pater meus terram vidistis ipsi quia inluminati sunt oculi mei eo quod gustaverim paululum de melle isto
30 quanto magis si comedisset populus de praeda inimicorum suorum quam repperit nonne maior facta fuisset plaga in Philisthim
31 percusserunt ergo in die illa Philistheos a Machmis usque in Ahialon defatigatus est autem populus nimis
32 et versus ad praedam tulit oves et boves et vitulos et mactaverunt in terra comeditque populus cum sanguine
33 nuntiaverunt autem Saul dicentes quod populus peccasset Domino comedens cum sanguine qui ait praevaricati estis volvite ad me iam nunc saxum grande
34 et dixit Saul dispergimini in vulgus et dicite eis ut adducat ad me unusquisque bovem suum et arietem et occidite super istud et vescimini et non peccabitis Domino comedentes cum sanguine adduxit itaque omnis populus unusquisque bovem in manu sua usque ad noctem et occiderunt ibi
35 aedificavit autem Saul altare Domini tuncque primum coepit aedificare altare Domini
36 et dixit Saul inruamus super Philisthim nocte et vastemus eos usque dum inlucescat mane nec relinquamus de eis virum dixitque populus omne quod bonum videtur in oculis tuis fac et ait sacerdos accedamus huc ad Deum
37 et consuluit Saul Deum num persequar Philisthim si trades eos in manu Israhel et non respondit ei in die illa
38 dixitque Saul adplicate huc universos angulos populi et scitote et videte per quem acciderit peccatum hoc hodie
39 vivit Dominus salvator Israhel quia si per Ionathan filium meum factum est absque retractatione morietur ad quod nullus contradixit ei de omni populo
40 et ait ad universum Israhel separamini vos in partem unam et ego cum Ionathan filio meo ero in parte una respondit populus ad Saul quod bonum videtur in oculis tuis fac
41 et dixit Saul ad Dominum Deum Israhel da indicium et deprehensus est Ionathan et Saul populus autem exivit
42 et ait Saul mittite sortem inter me et inter Ionathan filium meum et captus est Ionathan
43 dixit autem Saul ad Ionathan indica mihi quid feceris et indicavit ei Ionathan et ait gustans gustavi in summitate virgae quae erat in manu mea paululum mellis et ecce ego morior
44 et ait Saul haec faciat mihi Deus et haec addat quia morte morieris Ionathan
45 dixitque populus ad Saul ergone Ionathan morietur qui fecit salutem hanc magnam in Israhel hoc nefas est vivit Dominus si ceciderit capillus de capite eius in terram quia cum Deo operatus est hodie liberavit ergo populus Ionathan ut non moreretur
46 recessitque Saul nec persecutus est Philisthim porro Philisthim abierunt in loca sua
47 at Saul confirmato regno super Israhel pugnabat per circuitum adversum omnes inimicos eius contra Moab et filios Ammon et Edom et reges Suba et Philistheos et quocumque se verterat superabat
48 congregatoque exercitu percussit Amalech et eruit Israhel de manu vastatorum eius
49 fuerunt autem filii Saul Ionathan et Iesui et Melchisua nomina duarum filiarum eius nomen primogenitae Merob et nomen minoris Michol
50 et nomen uxoris Saul Ahinoem filia Ahimaas et nomina principum militiae eius Abner filius Ner patruelis Saul
51 Cis fuerat pater Saul et Ner pater Abner filius Abihel
52 erat autem bellum potens adversum Philistheos omnibus diebus Saul nam quemcumque viderat Saul virum fortem et aptum ad proelium sociabat eum sibi

1 Samuel 14 Commentary

Chapter 14

Jonathan smites the Philistines. (1-15) Their defeat. (16-23) Saul forbids the people to eat till evening. (24-35) Jonathan pointed out by lot. (36-46) Saul's family. (47-52)

Verses 1-15 Saul seems to have been quite at a loss, and unable to help himself. Those can never think themselves safe who see themselves out of God's protection. Now he sent for a priest and the ark. He hopes to make up matters with the Almighty by a partial reformation, as many do whose hearts are unhumbled and unchanged. Many love to have ministers who prophesy smooth things to them. Jonathan felt a Divine impulse and impression, putting him upon this bold adventure. God will direct the steps of those that acknowledge him in all their ways, and seek to him for direction, with full purpose of heart to follow his guidance. Sometimes we find most comfort in that which is least our own doing, and into which we have been led by the unexpected but well-observed turns of Divine providence. There was trembling in the host. It is called a trembling of God, signifying, not only a great trembling they could not resist, nor reason themselves out of, but that it came at once from the hand of God. He that made the heart, knows how to make it tremble.

Verses 16-23 The Philistines were, by the power of God, set against one another. The more evident it was that God did all, the more reason Saul had to inquire whether God would give him leave to do any thing. But he was in such haste to fight a fallen enemy, that he would not stay to end his devotions, nor hear what answer God would give him. He that believeth, will not make such haste, nor reckon any business so urgent, as not to allow time to take God with him.

Verses 24-35 Saul's severe order was very unwise; if it gained time, it lost strength for the pursuit. Such is the nature of our bodies, that daily work cannot be done without daily bread, which therefore our Father in heaven graciously gives. Saul was turning aside from God, and now he begins to build altars, being then most zealous, as many are, for the form of godliness when he was denying the power of it.

Verses 36-46 If God turns away our prayer, we have reason to suspect it is for some sin harboured in our hearts, which we should find out, that we may put it away, and put it to death. We should always first suspect and examine ourselves; but an unhumbled heart suspects every other person, and looks every where but at home for the sinful cause of calamity. Jonathan was discovered to be the offender. Those most indulgent to their own sins are most severe upon others; those who most disregard God's authority, are most impatient when their own commands are slighted. Such as cast abroad curses, endanger themselves and their families. What do we observe in the whole of Saul's behaviour on this occasion, but an impetuous, proud, malignant, impious disposition? And do we not in every instance perceive that man, left to himself, betrays the depravity of his nature, and is enslaved to the basest tempers.

Verses 47-52 Here is a general account of Saul's court and camp. He had little reason to be proud of his royal dignity, nor had any of his neighbours cause to envy him, for he had but little enjoyment after he took the kingdom. And often men's earthly glory makes a blaze just before the dark night of disgrace and woe comes on them.

Chapter Summary


This chapter gives an account of an adventure of Jonathan and his armourbearer smiting a garrison of the Philistines, 1Sa 14:1-14, which with other circumstances struck terror into the whole army; which being observed by Saul's spies, he and his men went out against them, and being joined by others, pursued them, and obtained a complete victory, 1Sa 14:15-23, but what sullied the glory of the day was a rash oath of Saul's, adjuring the people not to eat any food till evening which Jonathan not hearing of ignorantly broke, 1Sa 14:24-31 and which long fasting made the people so ravenous, that they slew their cattle, and ate them with the blood, contrary to the law of God, for which they were reproved by Saul, 1Sa 14:32-34, upon which he built an altar, and inquired of the Lord whether he should pursue the Philistines all that night till morning, but had no answer; which made him conclude sin was committed, and which he inquired after, declaring that if it was his own son Jonathan that had committed it he should surely die, 1Sa 14:35-39, the people being silent, he cast lots, and the lot fell upon Jonathan; who had it not been for the resolution of the people that rescued him out of his hands, because of the great salvation he had wrought, must have died, 1Sa 14:40-46 and the chapter is cited with an account of Saul's battles with the neighbouring nations in general, and of his family, 1Sa 14:47-52.

1 Samuel 14 Commentaries

The Latin Vulgate is in the public domain.