João 5:1-24

1 Depois disso havia uma festa dos judeus; e Jesus subiu a Jerusalém.
2 Ora, em Jerusalém, próximo � porta das ovelhas, há um tanque, chamado em hebraico Betesda, o qual tem cinco alpendres.
3 Nestes jazia grande multidão de enfermos, cegos, mancos e ressicados [esperando o movimento da água.]
4 [Porquanto um anjo descia em certo tempo ao tanque, e agitava a água; então o primeiro que ali descia, depois do movimento da água, sarava de qualquer enfermidade que tivesse.]
5 Achava-se ali um homem que, havia trinta e oito anos, estava enfermo.
6 Jesus, vendo-o deitado e sabendo que estava assim havia muito tempo, perguntou-lhe: Queres ficar são?
7 Respondeu-lhe o enfermo: Senhor, não tenho ninguém que, ao ser agitada a água, me ponha no tanque; assim, enquanto eu vou, desce outro antes de mim.
8 Disse-lhe Jesus: Levanta-te, toma o teu leito e anda.
9 Imediatamente o homem ficou são; e, tomando o seu leito, começou a andar. Ora, aquele dia era sábado.
10 Pelo que disseram os judeus ao que fora curado: Hoje é sábado, e não te é lícito carregar o leito.
11 Ele, porém, lhes respondeu: Aquele que me curou, esse mesmo me disse: Toma o teu leito e anda.
12 Perguntaram-lhe, pois: Quem é o homem que te disse: Toma o teu leito e anda?
13 Mas o que fora curado não sabia quem era; porque Jesus se retirara, por haver muita gente naquele lugar.
14 Depois Jesus o encontrou no templo, e disse-lhe: Olha, já estás curado; não peques mais, para que não te suceda coisa pior.
15 Retirou-se, então, o homem, e contou aos judeus que era Jesus quem o curara.
16 Por isso os judeus perseguiram a Jesus, porque fazia estas coisas no sábado.
17 Mas Jesus lhes respondeu: Meu Pai trabalha até agora, e eu trabalho também.
18 Por isso, pois, os judeus ainda mais procuravam matá-lo, porque não só violava o sábado, mas também dizia que Deus era seu próprio Pai, fazendo-se igual a Deus.
19 Disse-lhes, pois, Jesus: Em verdade, em verdade vos digo que o Filho de si mesmo nada pode fazer, senão o que vir o Pai fazer; porque tudo quanto ele faz, o Filho o faz igualmente.
20 Porque o Pai ama ao Filho, e mostra-lhe tudo o que ele mesmo faz; e maiores obras do que estas lhe mostrará, para que vos maravilheis.
21 Pois, assim como o Pai levanta os mortos e lhes dá vida, assim também o Filho dá vida a quem ele quer.
22 Porque o Pai a niguém julga, mas deu ao Filho todo o julgamento,
23 para que todos honrem o Filho, assim como honram o Pai. Quem não honra o Filho, não honra o Pai que o enviou.
24 Em verdade, em verdade vos digo que quem ouve a minha palavra, e crê naquele que me enviou, tem a vida eterna e não entra em juízo, mas já passou da morte para a vida.

João 5:1-24 Meaning and Commentary


In this chapter the apostle treats of the nature of faith and love; of Christ the object of both, and of the witness that is bore to him; of the necessity of believing the testimony concerning him; of the confidence of prayer being heard, and concerning whom it should be made; of the happiness of regenerate persons, and of their duty to keep themselves from idols. Faith in Christ is the evidence of regeneration, and where that is, there will be love to the author of regeneration, and to them that are regenerated; and love to them is known by love to God, and keeping his commandments; and keeping the commandments of God, and which are not grievous, is a proof of love to God, 1Jo 5:1-3; and whereas every regenerate man overcomes the world, it is by his faith, the evidence of his regeneration, that this victory is obtained; nor can any other man be pointed out that overcomes the world, but he that believes that Jesus is the Son of God, 1Jo 5:4,5; and Christ, the Son of God, the object of this victorious faith, is described by his coming by water and blood, of which the spirit is witness, who is a true one; and six witnesses of the truth of this and his divine sonship are produced, three in heaven, the Father, Word, and Spirit, who are the one God, and three on earth, the Spirit, water, and blood, who agree in their testimony, 1Jo 5:6-8; wherefore this testimony concerning the Son of God ought to be received, since it is the testimony of God, which is greater than that of men; besides, he that believes in Christ has a witness of this in himself, and honours God, whereas he that believes not makes God a liar, not giving credit to his record concerning his Son; the sum of which is, that God has made a grant of eternal life to some persons, which is in his Son, which those that believe in the Son of God have, but those that do not believe in him have it not: all which show the necessity of receiving the above testimony; and the ends proposed in writing these things were, to believe in Christ, and that it might be known they had eternal life in him, 1Jo 5:9-13, and from faith in Christ the apostle passes to confidence in prayer, as a particular effect and fruit of it: as, that whatever is asked according to the will of God is heard; and that such who are satisfied of this, that they are heard, may be assured that they have the petitions they desire to have, 1Jo 5:14,15, and whereas it is one branch of prayer to pray for others as well as for ourselves, the apostle directs who we should pray for; for the brethren in general, and in particular for such who have sinned, but not unto death, and life shall be given to such: but as for those who have sinned unto death, he does not say prayer should be made for them, for though all unrighteousness in general is sin, yet there is a particular sin which is unto death, and is not to be prayed for, 1Jo 5:16,17; but happy are those who are born of God, for they do not sin this sin; and through the use of the armour of God, and the power of divine grace, they keep themselves from the evil one, and he cannot come at them, to draw them into this sin; also they know that they are of God, and are distinguished from the world, which lies in wickedness; yea, they know that the Son of God is come in the flesh, and hath given them an understanding of the true God, by which they know that they are in him, and in his Son Jesus Christ, who is with him, and the divine Spirit, the one true God, and the author and giver of eternal life, 1Jo 5:18-20; and the chapter, and with it the epistle, is concluded with an exhortation to these regenerate ones, as they had kept themselves from Satan, that they would also keep themselves from idols of all sorts, 1Jo 5:21.

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