Hesekiel 11:9-19

9 Ich will euch von dort herausstoßen und den Fremden in die Hand geben und will euch euer Recht tun.
10 Ihr sollt durchs Schwert fallen; an der Grenze Israels will ich euch richten, und sollt erfahren, daß ich der HERR bin.
11 Die Stadt aber soll nicht euer Topf sein noch ihr das Fleisch darin; sondern an der Grenze Israels will ich euch richten.
12 Und ihr sollt erfahren, daß ich der HERR bin; denn ihr habt nach meinen Geboten nicht gewandelt und habt meine Rechte nicht gehalten, sondern getan nach der Heiden Weise, die um euch her sind.
13 Und da ich so weissagte, starb Pelatja, der Sohn Benajas. Da fiel ich auf mein Angesicht und schrie mit lauter Stimme und sprach: Ach HERR HERR, du wirst's mit den übrigen Israels gar aus machen!
14 Da geschah des HERRN Wort zu mir und sprach:
15 Du Menschenkind, zu deinen Brüdern und nahen Freunden und dem ganzen Haus Israel sprechen wohl die, so noch zu Jerusalem wohnen: Ihr müsset fern vom HERRN sein, aber wir haben das Land inne. {~}
16 Darum sprich du: So spricht der HERR HERR: Ja, ich habe sie fern weg unter die Heiden lassen treiben und in die Länder zerstreut; doch will ich bald ihr Heiland sein in den Ländern, dahin sie gekommen sind.
17 Darum sprich: So sagt der HERR HERR: Ich will euch sammeln aus den Völkern und will euch sammeln aus den Ländern, dahin ihr zerstreut seid, und will euch das Land Israel geben.
18 Da sollen sie kommen und alle Scheuel und Greuel daraus wegtun.
19 Und ich will euch ein einträchtiges Herz geben und einen neuen Geist in euch geben und will das steinerne Herz wegnehmen aus eurem Leibe und ein fleischernes Herz geben,

Images for Hesekiel 11:9-19

Hesekiel 11:9-19 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains an account of the sins of the princes of Judah; a prophecy of their destruction; some comfortable, promises respecting those of the captivity; and the chapter is closed with the finishing of the vision of the Lord's removing from Jerusalem; and the whole being ended, the prophet related it to the men of the captivity. In Eze 11:1; the prophet, is shown five and twenty men, among whom were two he knew, and are mentioned by name, and were princes of the people; and he is told that these men devised mischief, and gave bad advice to the people, Eze 11:2,3; wherefore he is bid to prophesy against them, Eze 11:4; which he accordingly did, the Spirit of the Lord falling upon him, Eze 11:5; declaring that their secret evils were known, as well as their public ones; and that, seeing they had multiplied their slain, and had feared the sword, the sword should come upon them; some should fall by it, and others should be carried captive; the consequence of which would be, that God would be known, and his justice acknowledged, it being what their sins deserved, Eze 11:6-12; upon this prophecy being delivered out, one of the princes before named died immediately; which filled the prophet with great concern, and put him upon expostulating with God, Eze 11:13; wherefore, for his comfort, he is told, that though the inhabitants of Jerusalem had insulted their brethren that were carried captive, and looked upon the land of Israel as their own possession, that God would be a little sanctuary to them; that he would gather them out of all lands, and give them the land of Israel; that they should come thither, and remove all idolatry from it, and should have regenerating and renewing grace given them, to walk in the statutes and ordinances of the Lord, by which they should appear to be his people, and he to be their God, Eze 11:14-20; but as for such that continued in their abominable idolatries, these should receive a just recompence of reward, Eze 11:21; after which follows an account of the entire removal of the glory of the Lord from the city of Jerusalem, Eze 11:22,23; and the prophet being, in vision, brought again to Chaldea, reports the whole he had seen to them of the captivity, Eze 11:24,25.

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