Isaías 45:1-8

1 Así dice el SEÑOR a su Mesías, Ciro, al cual yo tomé por su mano derecha, para sujetar gentiles delante de él, y desatar lomos de reyes. Para abrir delante de él puertas; y las puertas no se cerrarán:
2 Yo iré delante de ti, y los rodeos enderezaré; quebrantaré puertas de bronce, y cerrojos de hierro haré pedazos;
3 y te daré los tesoros escondidos, y los secretos muy guardados, para que sepas que yo soy el SEÑOR, el Dios de Israel, que te pongo nombre.
4 Por mi siervo Jacob, y por Israel mi escogido, te llamé por tu nombre; te puse tu sobrenombre, aunque no me conociste.
5 Yo soy el SEÑOR, y ninguno más hay ; no hay Dios fuera de mí. Yo te ceñiré, aunque tú no me conociste;
6 para que se sepa desde el nacimiento del sol, y desde donde se pone, que no hay más que yo. Yo soy el SEÑOR, y ninguno más que yo.
7 Que formo la luz, y creo las tinieblas; que hago la paz y que creo el mal. Yo soy el SEÑOR, que hago todo esto.
8 Desatad, cielos, de arriba, y las nubes derramarán la justicia; ábrase la tierra, y fructifíquense la salud y la justicia; háganse producir juntamente. Yo, el SEÑOR, lo he creado.

Isaías 45:1-8 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains prophecies concerning Cyrus, the deliverer of the Jews from captivity; and concerning the grace, righteousness, and salvation of Christ; and the conversion of the Gentiles. An account is given of Cyrus, and of the great things God would do for him, and by him, Isa 45:1-3 and the ends for which he would do these things, for the sake of his people Israel; and that he might be known to be the only true God, who is the Maker of all things, Isa 45:4-7 an intimation is given of the Messiah, as the author of righteousness and salvation; and of the contention and murmuring of the Jews about him, Isa 45:8-10, encouragement is given to pray for and expect good things by him for the children of God, in consideration of the greatness of God as the Creator, who would raise him up in righteousness, the antitype of Cyrus, Isa 45:11-13, the conversion of the Gentiles, the confusion of idolaters, and the salvation of the Israel of God, are prophesied of, Isa 45:14-17, which are confirmed by his works and his word, what he had done and said, Isa 45:18,19, the vanity of idols is exposed, and Christ the only Saviour asserted, to whom persons in all nations are directed to look for salvation, Isa 45:20-22 when it is affirmed with an oath that all shall be subject to him; that his people shall come to him for righteousness and strength; that his enemies shall be ashamed, and the spiritual Israel of God shall be justified, and glory in him, Isa 45:23-25.
