Luke 9:1-6

1 Then called he the .xii. to gether and gave them power and auctorite over all devyls and that they myght heale diseases.
2 And he sent them to preache the kyngdome of God and to cure the sick.
3 And he sayd to them: Take nothinge to sucker you by ye waye: nether staffe nor scripe nether breed nether money nether have twoo cootes.
4 And whatsoever housse ye enter into there abyde and thence departe.
5 And whosoever will not receave you when ye go out of that cite shake of the very dust from youre fete for a testimony agaynst them.
6 And they went out and went thorow the tounes preachinge the gospell and healynge every wheare.
The Tyndale Bible is in the public domain.