Matthew 27:1-11

1 But when the morrowtide was come, all the princes of priests, and the elder men of the people took counsel against Jesus, that they should take him to the death [that they should betake him to death].
2 And they led him bound, and betook him to Pilate of Pontii, [the] justice [+president/mayor, or chief justice].
3 Then Judas that betrayed him, saw that he was condemned, he repented, and brought again the thirty pieces [of silver] to the princes of priests, and to the elder men of the people,
4 and said, I have sinned, betraying rightful blood. And they said, What to us? busy thee. [saying, I have sinned, betraying just blood. And they said, What to us? see thou.]
5 And when he had cast forth the [pieces of] silver in the temple, he passed forth, and went, and hanged himself with a snare.
6 And the princes of priests took the [pieces of] silver, and said, It is not leaveful to put it into the treasury [It is not leaveful to send them into the treasury], for it is the price of blood.
7 And when they had taken counsel, they bought with it a field of a potter [they bought with them the field of a potter], into [the] burying of pilgrims.
8 Therefore that field is called Aceldama, that is, a field of blood, into this day.
9 Then that was fulfilled, that was said by the prophet Jeremy [that thing that was said by the prophet Jeremy], saying, And they have taken thirty pieces [of silver], the price of a man praised, whom they praised of the children of Israel;
10 and they gave them into a field of a potter, as the Lord hath ordained to me [as the Lord ordained to me].
11 And Jesus stood before the doomsman; and the justice asked him, and said [and the president asked him, saying], Art thou king of Jews? Jesus saith to him, Thou sayest.
Copyright © 2001 by Terence P. Noble. For personal use only.