Psalmen 103:10-14

10 Hij doet ons niet naar onze zonden, en vergeldt ons niet naar onze ongerechtigheden.
11 Want zo hoog de hemel is boven de aarde, is Zijn goedertierenheid geweldig over degenen, die Hem vrezen.
12 Zo ver het oosten is van het westen, zo ver doet Hij onze overtredingen van ons.
13 Gelijk zich een vader ontfermt over de kinderen, ontfermt Zich de HEERE over degenen, die Hem vrezen.
14 Want Hij weet, wat maaksel wij zijn, gedachtig zijnde, dat wij stof zijn.

Images for Psalmen 103:10-14

Psalmen 103:10-14 Meaning and Commentary


\\<>\\. The Targum adds, ``spoken in prophecy,'' as doubtless it was, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Some think it was written by David, after a fit of illness, and his recovery from it, since he speaks of his diseases being healed, and his youth renewed; for which reason the Syriac interpreter suggests it was written in his old age; for he makes the subject of the psalm to be, ``concerning coldness which prevailed upon him in old age;'' but rather he wrote it when his heart was warm with a sense of the love of God, and spiritual blessings of grace flowing from thence; and in it celebrates and sings the benefits of New Testament times; and it is a psalm suitable to be sung by every believer, under a quick sense of divine favours: wherefore the above interpreter better adds, ``also an instruction and thanksgiving by men of God;'' whom the psalmist may very well be thought to personate, even in Gospel times; and much rather than the Jews in captivity, as Kimchi thinks.

The Dutch Staten Vertaling translation is in the public domain.