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What Do We Know about the Nephilim?

Annette Griffin

Scholars have debated the Nephilim for ages. Did they really exist? Are they still around today? Scripture may not say much about them, but the events mentioning them are some of Biblical history’s mo...

Can We Really "Not Be Anxious about Anything"?

Heather Adams

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (Philippians 4:6).The Apostle Paul's instruction to live free of anx...

40 Bible Verses about Prayer to Encourage You

Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff

We all need to know prayer Bible verses. Prayer is the way in which we communicate with God, and he wants to get to know us better. Bible verses about prayer are great if you want to know how to pray....

6 Proven Ways to Stand Strong in the Face of Spiritual Warfare

Matt Brown

I'm not sure when the term "spiritual warfare" was coined, but in my research I've discovered it mentioned as early as the 1600's.Spiritual warfare is depicted (without using the term) back to the wri...

Why is God Called "Holy, Holy, Holy"? Revelation 4:8 Explained

Hope Bolinger

In Revelation 4:8, readers stumble across a verse that says, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty.” Popularized in worship songs, this short passage in the last book of the New Tes...

Three Steps for Studying the Gospels

Johnny Cisneros

A Bible study guide for the Gospels...

4 Ways God Guides Us through Seasons of Change and Transition

Rachel Britton

Our world, created and managed by God, is structured to meet the physical needs of all creatures, including humanity. But, as Matthew 6:26 declares, human beings are much more valuable than animals or...

Sunday School Lesson: Life Lessons from the Book of Esther

Esther is the best “textbook" of the Scriptures about the providence of God, and how He works in the perfect way and the perfect timing to accomplish His purposes....

Prayer with an Attitude

The Bible tells us we should “pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Unfortunately, for many of us, a few minutes spent in prayer feels like forever. Why do we struggle so much with prayer when we ...

How to Identify and Effectively Use Your Spiritual Gifts

It breaks my heart that the spiritual gifts don't seem to be taught or emphasized much throughout Christendom these days. Their utilization is critical for the Church to function properly in society. ...

10 Essential Truths about Christian Giving

In our review of these four New Testament passages, we find at least ten principles for Christian giving....

Is God an Egomaniac for Asking Us to Worship and Praise Him?

Dr. David Kyle Foster

God's desire for us to worship Him is for our benefit, in countless ways. Here are some of the most life-changing....

Hosea 6:3 Reminds Us That God Is Always Faithful

Lisa Loraine Baker

Israel knew God would respond positively to their faithfulness because He promised He would. Hosea likens His sure restoration of them with the refreshing nature of the dawn, showers, and spring rain....

How Can We Live So Christ Is Glorified because of Us?

Lisa Loraine Baker

The key for us as believers is to be the people God created us to be! No longer are we to be conformed to the norms of the world, but we are to be transformed, living a life pleasing to Him who called...

Why Is Hope an Anchor for Our Souls?

Lisa Loraine Baker

Our hope is in God through Jesus Christ. He Whom we can trust in everything and every way, never changes, always fulfills His promises, will never leave us or forsake us, and cannot lie. ...

What Are the 4 Spiritual Laws that Every Christian Should Know?

Annette Griffin

The term “Four Spiritual Laws” does not appear in Scripture, but the principles do. CRU’s goal was to create an outreach tool that would organize biblically based steps for salvation into a straightfo...

4 Life-Changing Ideas about Bible Study

John D. Barry

Imagine having access to God anytime you wanted. Well, you do... through the Bible. Now, let’s go through 4 steps to take Bible study from dull to incredible....

6 Bible Verses You Are Probably Reading Wrong

Lisa Loraine Baker

Open a dictionary and you will find many common words often have different meanings. For example: The man hit the bat with a bat. The first bat is a nocturnal animal, and the second is a sports a...

6 Scriptures That Changed My Life

Ruth Clemence

Growing up, the Bible was in my bedroom but seldom opened. I believed in Jesus and cannot remember a time I felt as if God didn’t exist. God just was. However, I did not follow Him as Lord and Savior ...

Why Can We Not Serve Both God and Money?

Heather Adams

The Lord didn’t tell His listeners not to pursue gaining wealth. But He did give them a caution not to make that a higher priority in life than obeying and serving God. In the same chapter, He pointed...