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Found 85 Results for ���� 4 : 9
7 Things We Regularly Get Wrong about Worship

Joe McKeever

Listen as the congregation files out of the sanctuary on Sunday, and you'll hear the common refrain: "I didn't get anything out of ___ [fill-in-the-blank] ___."...

Finding the Timeless Truth

Somewhere in the process of sermonizing the preacher must turn up the heat on the passage and himself and discover the timeless, universal truth that remains...

When Pastors Fail to Practice what they Preach

Prior to the revelations concerning Teg Haggard, Ray Pritchard received an email from a woman distraught about repeated pastoral problems in her local church. Her words speak for multitudes who have b...

Study the Passage: The vital step in preparing powerful sermons

The first step in preparing a biblical message is to study the passage......

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

Five Things You Need to Know About Preaching Through the Books of Scripture

Many pastors are intimidated by the thought of preaching all the way through an entire book of the Bible. Some fear that congregational excitement will be hard to sustain and that pastor and congregat...

Of Gnats And Camels

We live in exciting days of evangelistic possibilities. Like never before, people are searching for spiritual answers to meaningful, eternal questions. And though many of these answers are misguide...

Glorifying God in our Christmas Shopping

The victory over worldliness cannot be won by conforming to a list of rules. The battle is won through the power of the gospel applied to our daily choices....

Beware Tuneless Preaching

Part One of a Series on Preaching and Trinitarian Worship...

Using Humor in the Pulpit

It is not necessary, on a Sunday morning, to become a comedian for Christ. Yet neither is there a scriptural reference that claims blessed are the bored....

Preaching the Big Idea: An Interview with Dave Ferguson

In his book The Big Idea (Zondervan), pastor Dave Ferguson talks about how his church has taken the homiletical concept of a single driving idea for the sermon and extended that across the entire teac...

Transmitting the Word: An Interview with John Piper on Consistency and Community

John Barry

Pointers from John Piper on approaching the Bible...

Preaching and the Externally-Focused Church: An Interview with Rick Rusaw

Rick is the co-author of The Externally Focused Church and 60 Simple Things Every Pastor Should Know, and his newest book is Living a Life on Loan. He was recently interviewed by Preaching editor Mich...

Preaching God’s Grace: An Interview with Tullian Tchividjian

Sometimes God takes us out of comfort zones and allows us to be sifted because He loves us....