Search Results for overwhelmed

Found 104 Results for overwhelmed
Surprising Things the Bible Says About Mental Illness

Tammy Kennington

What does the Bible say about mental illness? The Bible tells us that our God is big enough to overcome whatever we are facing. ...

8 Psalms to Claim When You Feel Like You Can’t Take One More Thing

Micah Maddox

Discouragement and frustration can mount to unexpected heights and faith can feel like it is falling apart. Life is just hard sometimes. But there is hope! And help! Life might be filled with chaos, h...

How We Can Grow in the Knowledge and Understanding of God

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

To have knowledge is to have facts, information, or awareness of something or someone. When we have knowledge of God, we understand his nature, his character, and who he is. This process of growing yo...

4 Inspiring Lessons from Mary and Joseph's Faithfulness

Pamela Palmer

The biblical account of Jesus’ birth was miraculous and intense, indeed, but when we take a closer look at the Gospels, we find that it was the faithfulness of Mary and Joseph that played a key role i...

How Can We Avoid Becoming "Weary in Doing Good"?

Heather Adams

In Galatians 6:9, Paul wrote "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." In our fast-paced, modern world, burnout seems to be something...

21 Prayers for Strength in Difficult Times

Compiled & Edited by BibleStudyTools Staff

Whether you’ve had an incredible year or an incredibly difficult one, this compilation of prayers will serve as a guide for when you don’t have the words to say or ask of God to give you strength....

6 Things All Christians Need to Look for in the Company They Keep

Michael Jakes

Our lives will be negatively or positively influenced by the company we keep. We need good fellowship to spur us on to good works....

Why It Matters for You That “a Cord of Three Strands Is Not Easily Broken”

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Solomon is emphasizing an age-old truth; there is strength in numbers. What is fascinating about this verse is recognizing it doesn’t take a lot of numbers to increase your strength. In his analogy, h...

What Does the Bible Say about Resurrection Day?

Tammy Kennington

Resurrection Day is the culmination of Holy Week and one of the most important events in the Bible. Within this story we think we know so well are messages we need for today....

"Who the Son Sets Free Is Free Indeed" - What Does it Mean to Have Freedom in Christ?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Jesus assures us in the book of John that "if the Son sets you free you will be free indeed." But what do these words mean for our everyday lives? As believers, what have we been freed from? And just ...

The Danger of Speaking Truth without Love

Catherine Segars

We were pulling into the parking lot of my church when the DJ mentioned a controversy surrounding a burgeoning Christian recording artist. Apparently, she had appeared on a popular daytime talk show...

How Can We Make Lemonade from Painful Situations?

Frank Santora

Like all of us, when life dealt him lemons, David stood at the intersection of a “bitter road” and a “better road.” It’s an intersection of decision. What do we do? Bite the lemon and become bitter in...

Can Christians Take Biblical Stewardship Too Far?

Stephen Baker

Stewardship refers to the act of managing someone else’s property that they have entrusted to your care for a time. ...

What Does Paul Mean by Godly Sorrow?

Heather Adams

True godly sorrow is founded on the Lord. In order to feel it, then, we first have to know what pleases God. The Bible lays out His standard for us, as well as His Laws. And any success we have in thi...

How Should We Respond When Other Christians Hurt Us?

Bethany Verrett

Trying to navigate those waters in a way that is Christ-like, God-honoring, and personally healing can be difficult, but God has given believers the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and one another to find pea...

What Can Christians Do When the Enemy Comes in Like a Flood?

Britt Mooney

"When the enemy comes in like a flood" has some surprising, encouraging, lessons for us today....

What Does 'Deep Calls to Deep' Teach Us about God's Great Power?

Lori Stanley Roeleveld

'Deep calls to deep' is a powerful phrase, but what does it mean when the Bible uses it?...

Solid Truths to Remember as You Process the Death of a Loved One

Michael Jakes

How do we deal with the death of a loved one? In spite of death’s inevitability, you would think we would be prepared for it; but this is not always the case. The loss of a loved one can be a harrowin...

How Can Christians Weep with Those Who Weep?

Britt Mooney

What if weeping with those who weep is actually the key to helping people heal?...

The Holy Spirit Is Here to Help When You Need It

Frank Santora

As Jesus was preparing to leave this earth, He promised to send them (and us!) the Holy Spirit, that Someone who could be ever-present help to each and every believer, no matter where they were, or wh...