Search Results for hebrews 11:23 - 26

Found 164 Results for hebrews 11:23 - 26
The Lord's Supper Instituted.

7-17. THE LORD'S SUPPER INSTITUTED. (Jerusalem. Evening before the crucifixion.) a?MATT. 26:26-29; b?MARK 14:22-25; c?LUKE 22:19-20; f?I. COR. ...

God continued...

God continued... GUIDE Genesis 12:1 ; Exodus 13:21 ; 15:13 ; 33:13-15 ; Numbers 10:33 ; Deuteronomy 32:10 Deuteronomy 32:12 ; 2?Samuel 22:29 ...

Wicked (people)

Wicked (people) Compared withAbominable branches Isaiah 14:19 Ashes under the feet Malachi 4:3 Bad fish Matthew 13:48 Animals Psalms 49:12...

Matthew 26

26:1? And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all these words, he said unto his disciples,JESUS PREDICTS, THE RULERS PLOT FOR, AND JUDAS BARGAINS...

Ezekiel 43

CHAPTER 43 Ezekiel 43:1-27 . JEHOVAH'S RETURN TO THE TEMPLE. Everything was now ready for His reception. As the Shekinah glory was the pecul...


Ministers Called by God Exodus 28:1 ; Hebrews 5:4 Qualified by God Isaiah 6:5-7 ; 2 Corinthians 3:5 2 Corinthians 3:6 Commissioned by Chri...

Proverbs 11

CHAPTER 11 Proverbs 11:1-31 . 1. (Compare Margin). The Hebrews used stones for weights. just--complete in measure. 2. Self-conceit is untea...


HOPE hop: 1. In the Old Testament: In the Revised Version (British and American) the New Testament hope represents the noun elpis (52 t), and the ve...

The London Baptist Confession

CHAPTER 1 - Of the Holy ScripturesThe Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain and infallible ruleof all saving knowledge, faith and obedience,(...


Joshua [E] [H] [S]Also called JEHOSHUA, and JEHOSHUAH, and OSHEASon of Nun Numbers 13:8 ; 1?Chronicles 7:27 Intimately associated with Moses Ex...

Covenant, The New

COVENANT, THE NEW (berith chadhashah, Jeremiah 31:31; he diatheke kaine, Hebrews 8:8,13, etc., or nea, Hebrews 12:24: the former Greek adjective has ...

Luke 16

Chapter 1616:16? The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. the kingdom...

A Puritan Catechism

Compiled by C. H. SpurgeonI am persuaded that the use of a good Catechism in all our families will be a great safeguard against the increasing errors ...

Moses, The Man of God

Moses, The Man of God Date of His Birth and Death. Moses was born in Egypt two thousand four hundred and thirty-three years after the creation of Ad...

Christ, Offices Of

CHRIST, OFFICES OF of'-is-is. General Titles of our Lord $ I. CHRIST'S MEDIATION EXPRESSED IN THE SPECIFIC OFFICES$ Historical Review of the Theory...

The Exodus

The Exodus The Flight of Moses to Midian. Moses made the first effort to emancipate his enslaved brethren. At the age of forty he forsook the court ...


Joy [T] [B]Attributed to God Deuteronomy 28:63 ; 30:9 ; Jeremiah 32:41 In heaven Luke 15:10-32 UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO Deuteronomy...

2 Corinthians 6


Exodus 2

CHAPTER 2 Exodus 2:1-10 . BIRTH AND PRESERVATION OF MOSES. 1. there went a man of the house of Levi, &c. Amram was the husband and Jochebed t...

Acts 5

CHAPTER 5 Acts 5:1-11 . ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA. The first trace of a shade upon the bright form of the young Church. Probably among the new Ch...