Search Results for sin

Found 190 Results for sin

Radio personality Paul Harvey tells the story of how an Eskimo kills a wolf. The account is grisly, yet it offers fresh insight into the consuming, self-destructive nature of sin. "First the Eskimo co...

Spiritual Exercise

According to a researcher at the University of Michigan, a program of good exercise may help a person fight off colds and infection. The theory is that a good workout puts the body in a condition simi...

Advent as an Antidote to Christian Boredom

Advent can be an antidote to the sinful slip into apathy, helping us to be astounded at the glory of God....


In the March 4, 2003edition of his weblog, Albert Mohler notes that, "According to some estimates, as much as one-third of the nation's money supply now moves through the gambling industry each year. ...

Desperate For God's Forgiveness

When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power, local Russian officials reopened an old Orthodox church building in what was then still Leningrad and turned it over to a Baptist pastor and his congregation. The...

Illustration: Temptation

How strong are you when being tempted?...

Illustration: Christ

When William the Conqueror came to invade England, he made a grand entrance; but as he got off the boat, he stumbled and fell, bloodying his nose on the cobblestones....

Guard Your Heart

Matthew 5:27-32...

Illustration: Heaven

Does the number of churches in a city increase its holiness quotient?...

Illustration: Christ

Lady Diana Cooper, an aristocrat whose husband was an ambassador, went to a concert and began chatting with “a nice little woman.” Afterward, she suddenly realized the woman was Queen Elizabeth II. ...

Lord's Supper

The oldest synagogue in the western hemisphere is the Mikve synagogue on the island of Curacao....


Recently Bill Keane's comic strip, The Family Circus, showed a little girl kneeling on her bed and telling her Mother, "I couldn't remember The Lord's Prayer so I said the Pledge of Allegiance."...


This is the actual text of a court order in a Kentucky county in 1858. "MANU-MISSION: It is ordered that Sam, a man of color, who was manumitted under the will of Joshua Childers, dec'd, be summoned t...


Everything Midas touched turned to gold. He thought it was a blessing. He found it to be a curse. His food turned to gold. His child turned to gold. When we give, we see the reverse of the Midas touch...


In the Alleghenies Mountains a hunter mistakenly shot a large eagle....

To Illustrate: Repentance

In Johnstown, Pa., a tool-supply company received in the mail a $45 check to pay for a stolen hammer. ...


People in other nations who print signs in English often make interesting, and sometimes humorous mistakes. A sign in a Paris hotel read, "Please leave your values at the front desk." Many a traveler ...


According to legend everything King Midas touched turned to gold. He thought it was a blessing. He found it to be a curse. His food turned to gold. His child turned to gold. When we give, we see the r...


People in other nations who print signs in English often make interesting, and sometimes humorous mistakes. A sign in a Paris hotel read, "Please leave your values at the front desk." Many a traveler ...

Profane Swearing

Traveling on a plane next to a salesman, Billy Graham asked him, "Are you paid anything for all the swearing you do?" "No," was the startled reply, "I do it for nothing." "Nothing?" cried the famous p...