Search Results for spirit of god

Found 1557 Results for spirit of god
Why Did God Say “Let Us Make Mankind in Our Image”?

Lisa Loraine Baker

This verse is a pause in the creation process as God explains what He is going to do next — and why. God created the human race in His image and likeness using the pronouns “Us” and “Our” and that man...

Ascension Day – A Call to the Great Commission

Peyton Garland

Though there are no Ascension Day "rules" hidden in the Bible, I believe this celebration compels us to fulfill the Great Commission....

Does Your Prayer Time Feel Like a Monologue?

Kristi Walker

In these times when our human wills battle with the will of God, we need to remember those who have gone before us. Every person who has ever lived and had sincere faith in God has gone through simila...

5 Incredible Lessons about the Trinity

Emma Danzey

We read throughout the Bible that God is Triune. He is three in one. We can allow this fact about Him to intimidate us, or we can press into the joy, mystery, and reality of how He describes Himself....

How to Trace the Fire of the Holy Spirit

Many people find keeping a journal is a tool God uses to draw them into deeper intimacy with Him. A written journal is a record of your spiritual journey. It is a means to "trace the fire of the Holy ...

Become a Fruit-Bearing Christian

We need to see that if our work is to be acceptable and effective, it must come as fruit; it must be the spontaneous outgrowth of a healthy, vigorous life, the Spirit and power of Christ living and wo...

What Does Ezekiel's Vision of the Wheel Actually Mean?

Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith

Ezekiel’s Wheel was a magnificent vision that God showed him. It is important to note that at the time of this vision Ezekiel was in captivity in Babylon....

Why Is Faith without Works Dead according to the Bible

Emma Danzey

In the same way, my plants died because I neglected them, faith without works is dead. When we accept Jesus into our lives, the Holy Spirit enters our hearts. ...

What Is the Jezebel Spirit?

Mike Leake

There is nothing in this text which mentions a Jezebel spirit. Yet, there does appear to be someone who is like Jezebel. There is one within the church who is exemplifying the same character traits as...

What Does It Mean That We Have "Assurance of Salvation"?

Bethany Verrett

After being forgiven and starting that relationship with God, it can be difficult to believe that all of someone’s wickedness can be washed away. The Bible promises the person who repents and accepts ...

What Does the Bible Say about Ghosts?

Jessica Brodie

While the Bible is clear that spirits of deceased humans do not remain on earth as “ghosts” and haunt the living, the Bible is also clear that there are indeed spirit beings that inhabit the earth — a...

What Are Sins against the Holy Spirit?

Hope Bolinger

In Matthew 12:31, Jesus mentions "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit," saying that this sin will not be forgiven. That's a frightening statement! But what exactly is this sin against the Holy Spirit, a...

The Birth of Jesus through Joseph's Eyes

When we celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmastime, our attention is most often given to Luke’s account, because it gives us so much information. But Matthew's account is just as important in our u...

What Is a Revival?

Jessica Brodie

Put simply, a revival is typically a gathering of Christians that reflects an urgent and bold spiritual awakening, where hearts and lives are transformed and people commit themselves anew to following...

Do Animals Have Souls?

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

Animals were formed by the word of God, and when he spoke they were able to exist and operate in their full capacity. Man was formed by the hand of God, but it wasn’t until God breathed life or a spir...

5 Lessons from the Parable of the 10 Virgins

Clarence L. Haynes Jr.

The parable of the 10 virgins is a wake-up call. First to those who don’t know Jesus, but it goes beyond that. The unprepared virgins in the story had lamps. ...

Time For a Check Up of the Heart

Mark Altrogge

When the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us, he changes our hearts and minds. He gives us the mind of Christ (Php 2:5). And we are to cooperate with him by actively transforming our minds and thinking b...

10 Things You Need to Know about the Unforgivable Sin

Dr. David Jeremiah

“One of the questions I'm regularly asked is, ‘Pastor, can I commit a sin that God cannot forgive?’ According to Jesus, there is one sin a person can do for which there is no forgiveness or pardon eit...

5 Steps to Become a Prayer Warrior

Heather Adams

God may be calling you to become more of a prayer warrior in your church or family. Ask Him to confirm that in your heart. Let Him change your spirit and shift your attitudes to align with Him. Then, ...

How Do You Take Your Thoughts Captive, like the Bible Commands?

Matt Tommey

Without a clear understanding of why we take every thought captive and the power that it gives us to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in our daily lives, well-meaning, devoted Christians will be left fr...