Search Results for wisdom 9:15

Found 199 Results for wisdom 9:15
Song of Solomon - Introduction

INTRODUCTION The Song of Solomon, called in the Vulgate and Septuagint, The Song of Songs, from the opening words. This title denotes its superio...

Job 30

CHAPTER 30 Job 30:1-31 . 1. younger--not the three friends ( Job 15:10 , Job 32:4 Job 32:6 Job 32:7 ). A general description: Job 30:1-8 ...

Mediation; Mediator

MEDIATION; MEDIATOR me-di-a'-shun, me'-di-a-ter: I. INTRODUCTORY 1. The Terms (1) Mediation (2) Mediator 2. The Principle of Mediation II. MEDIA...

Romans 1

Chapter?1In this chapter we may observe, I. The preface and introduction to the whole epistle, to v.?16. II. A description of the deplorable condition...

Hebrews - Introduction

INTRODUCTION CANONICITY AND AUTHORSHIP.--CLEMENT OF ROME, at the end of the first century (A.D), copiously uses it, adopting its words just as he d...

Chapter V

CHAPTER V. THE DIVINE ATTRIBUTES. Charnocke: On the Attributes. Howe: Oracles of God, Lectures XVII.-XXV. Sckleiermacher: Glaubenslehre, g 50-56; 79...


POOR poor ('ebhyon, dal, `ani, rush; ptochos): I. In the Old Testament. The poor have great prominence in the Bible; it is said, indeed, that there ...

Jesus continued

Jesus continued NAMES, APPELLATIONS, AND TITLES OFAdam 1?Corinthians 15:45 Advocate 1?John 2:1 Almighty Revelation 1:8 Alpha and Omega Rev...

Genesis 44

Chapter?44Joseph, having entertained his brethren, dismissed them; but here we have them brought back in a greater fright than any they had been in ye...

Job 22

Chapter?22Eliphaz here leads on a third attack upon poor Job, in which Bildad followed him, but Zophar drew back, and quitted the field. It was one of...

Zechariah 6

Chapter?6The two kingdoms of providence and grace are what we are all very nearly interested in, and therefore are concerned to acquaint ourselves wit...

Plagues Of Egypt

PLAGUES OF EGYPT plagz (niphle'oth, wonders from pala', to be separate, i.e. in a class by themselves; also called negheph, plague, from naghaph, to s...

Zechariah 6

CHAPTER 6 Zechariah 6:1-8 . EIGHTH VISION. THE FOUR CHARIOTS. 1. four chariots--symbolizing the various dispensations of Providence towards t...

Job 10

Chapter?10Job owns here that he was full of confusion (v.?15), and as he was so was his discourse: he knew not what to say, and perhaps sometimes scar...

Titus 3

Chapter?3Of duties which concern Christians more in common, and the reasons of them (v.?1-8). What Titus in teaching should avoid, and how he should d...

Book I

OF THE OBJECT OF WORSHIP. TWO things are to be observed and considered,?That the Lord God is the object of worship,?that he alone is the object of w...

1 Samuel 24

Chapter?24We have hitherto had Saul seeking an opportunity to destroy David, and, to his shame, he could never find it. In this chapter David had a fa...

Isaiah 19

CHAPTER 19 Isaiah 19:1-25 . The nineteenth and twentieth chapters are connected, but with an interval between. Egypt had been held by an Eth...

Isaiah 45

CHAPTER 45 Isaiah 45:1-25 . THE SUBJECT OF THE DELIVERANCE BY CYRUS IS FOLLOWED UP. Isaiah 45:1-7 . These seven verses should have been app...

Old Testament in the New Testament, the

Old Testament in the New Testament, the The New Testament proclaims its indebtedness to the Old Testament on the very first page. Matthew begins with ...