Search Results for wisdom 9:15

Found 199 Results for wisdom 9:15
Chronicles, Theology of

Chronicles, Theology of Chronicles' Perspective on Israel's Past. Chronicles re-presents the historical traditions of Israel from a different perspect...

Job, Theology of

Job, Theology of Introduction. The reader who desires to unlock the rich theological treasurescontained in the Book of Job should assume its literary ...

Holy Spirit, 2

HOLY SPIRIT, 2 III. The Holy Spirit in the New Testament. In the New Testament there is unusual symmetry and completeness of teaching as to the work ...

Chapter 12

by Alfred Edersheim 1876 Chapter 12 Commerce The remarkable change which we have noticed in the views of Jewish authorities, from contempt to almo...

Numbers 35

Chapter?35Orders having been given before for the dividing of the land of Canaan among the lay-tribes (as I may call them), care is here taken for a c...

Mark, Theology of

Mark, Theology of The Gospel of Mark teaches about the person and Acts of God as revealed in the words and works of his Son, Jesus Christ. Mark's theo...

Psalms 89

The Book of PsalmsChapter 89Chapter Overview: This psalm manifestly treats of the declining state of the house and kingdom of David, in or about the...

Hebrews 9


2 Timothy 4

Chapter?4In this chapter, I. Paul with great solemnity and earnestness presses Timothy to the diligent and conscientious discharge of his work and off...

Song of Solomon 3

Chapter?3In this chapter, I. The church gives an account of a sore trial wherewith she was exercised through the withdrawing of her beloved from her, ...

The London Baptist Confession

CHAPTER 1 - Of the Holy ScripturesThe Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain and infallible ruleof all saving knowledge, faith and obedience,(...

Isaiah 5

Chapter 5In this chapter the prophet, in God?s name, shows the people of God their transgressions, even the house of Jacob their sins, and the judgmen...

Hebrews, Epistle To The

HEBREWS, EPISTLE TO THE he'-brooz, I. TITLE II. LITERARY 1. The Author's Culture and Style 2. Letter, Epistle or Treatise? 3. A Unity or a Compos...

Psalms 144

Chapter?144The four preceding psalms seem to have been penned by David before his accession to the crown, when he was persecuted by Saul; this seems t...

1 Peter 1

John Darby commentary for 1 Peter 11 Peter Chapter 1The First Epistle of Peter is addressed to believers among the dispersed of Israel found in those...

Holy, Holiness

Holy, Holiness One does not define God. Similarly, the idea of holiness is at once understandable and elusive. Nevertheless, there is not term equal t...

Revelation 9:20

But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues The two-thirds left from the population prior to the sounding of the sixth trumpet (Rev...

Hosea 14

Chapter?14The strain of this chapter differs from that of the foregoing chapters. Those were generally made up of reproofs for sin and threatenings of...

A Puritan Confession

CHAPTER 1 - Of the Holy Scriptures1. The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedi...

John 6

CHAPTER 6 John 6:1-13 . FIVE THOUSAND MIRACULOUSLY FED. 3. a mountain--somewhere in that hilly range which skirts the east side of the la...