Search Results for grace peace you

Found 352 Results for grace peace you
Abundant Grace

If we are ever to understand the grace of God, we must begin with the knowledge that God has acted graciously toward us in Christ entirely apart from human merit....

How to Find Peace in Our Relationships

What does the assurance of the gospel have to do with pursuing peace in our relationships? Everything. It fills us with joy, power, and confidence as we gratefully obey God in our relationships....

Solid Truths to Remember as You Process the Death of a Loved One

Michael Jakes

How do we deal with the death of a loved one? In spite of death’s inevitability, you would think we would be prepared for it; but this is not always the case. The loss of a loved one can be a harrowin...

20 Powerful Prayers for Peace of Mind during Difficult Times

In a world so full of chaos, ruin, and division, we may often feel at a loss in terms of comfort or peace of mind. We may want to lift up a prayer for peace, but with our minds so scattered by the eve...

7 Commands for Dealing with Church Conflict

Looking around at the state of Christianity in the world today with all of its various camps and divisions, it’s tempting to idealize the early church as a perfect time of peace and harmony. But then ...

4 Ways to Seek Peace Like Jesus Did

Ashley Hooker

The words Jesus spoke in John 14:27 help us experience moments of peace, moments where peace is freely given. John 14:27 states “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give a...

What Are the 2 Crucial Messages of the Book of Romans?

Michael Jakes

At the very heart of the book of Romans are the great doctrines of justification and sanctification; together, they form the core of the gospel, and Paul is careful to distinguish between the two. ...

5 Prayers to Help Us Process the Events at the Capitol

Heather Adams

After a recent protest at the US Capitol turned violent, many of us were left reeling. We felt angry, afraid, even enraged. God understands these feelings, but He does not condone violence or hatred. ...

Inventorying My Fruit of the Spirit Menu

David Burchett

Travel can be wonderful. But business travel is generally more like death by paper cuts. A frustrating airport concession stand moment revealed my own need to open the gifts of grace daily....

How Can Christians Be the Blessed Peacemakers Found in Matthew 5:9?

Maggie Cooper

“Blessed are the peacemakers.” Those who make peace. It is clear that peace doesn’t come naturally, y’all. It doesn’t come easy. And that’s really the point....

What Is Shalom's Meaning in the Bible?

Britt Mooney

Peace is a running theme throughout the whole of scripture, usually using the Hebrew word shalom. Scripture, however, doesn’t throw the word around as a nice gesture. It has a deep meaning which could...

5 Encouraging Prayers for the Exhausted Mom

Kirstyn Mayden

God continues to lead, guide, and strengthen us during whatever season of motherhood we are in. We are equipped with all we need to live out our specific assignment as mothers. Whether you are nursing...

Why "May the Lord Bless and Keep You" Is Such a Beautiful Blessing

Pamela Palmer

It was a highly significant blessing given from God then, and it is still an imperative blessing today. We can continue using this as a blessing for all God’s beloved followers. The entire blessing de...

Big Grace

If the Bible's description of us is accurate, then God's grace is our only hope. Thank God that He has given us big grace! ...

Scriptures That Remind Us God Sees Overwhelmed Moms

Karen Whiting

As moms, it’s good to find God’s direction for what challenges us – like getting enough rest. For these and other struggles, as well as joys, we look to Scripture.Rest“Suddenly a furious storm came up...

Prayers for Our Church Leaders

Alicia Searl

 The enemy may be trying to take a stronghold, but he is powerless when we fight back with our most powerful weapon—prayer!...

What Does it Mean "There Is No Rest for the Wicked"?

Molly Law

“'There is no peace,’ says my God, ‘for the wicked'" (Isaiah 57:21). From the moment sin entered the world, mankind forever lost perfect peace and harmony. The Lord told Adam in Genesis 3:17-19 that h...

15 Scriptures on Peace of Mind

Whitney Hopler

Bible verses on how to find peace of mind show you how peace is possible in any type of circumstance. Exploring these scriptures on peace of mind will help you find real peace, no matter what situatio...

A Powerful Prayer for Ukraine

Jason Soroski

We ask that the people of Ukraine may be safe, secure, and that they would know not only peace of earth but your true and unwavering peace....