Search Results for nu 12

Found 177 Results for nu 12

APOSTLE a-pos'-l ([ @apostolos], literally, one sent forth, an envoy, missionary): For the meaning of this name as it meets us in the New Testament, ...


DEUTERONOMY du-ter-on'-o-mi: 1. Name 2. What Deuteronomy Is 3. Analysis 4. Ruling Ideas 5. Unity 6. Authorship 7. Deuteronomy Spoken Twice 8. ...

Law In The Old Testament

LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT || I. TERMS USED 1. Torah (Law) 2. Synonyms of Torah (1) Mitswah (Command) (2) `Edhah (Witness, Testimony) (3) MishpaTi...

2 Chronicles 31

CHAPTER 31 2?Chronicles 31:1-10 . THE PEOPLE FORWARD IN DESTROYING IDOLATRY. 1. all Israel .?.?. present went out to the cities of Judah--The...

Revelation 22:19

If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy No one is to add to or take away from God?s word (Deu. Deu. 4:2; Deu. 12:32; Pr. Pr....

Revelation 11:1

a reed like a measuring rod Reed is ??????? [kalamos] , the same word which described the mock scepter given to Jesus along with His crown of thorns (...


Footnotes(1 )Luke xi. 10.(2 )Prov. xvii. 28, lxx.(3 )Is. ii. 3, lxx.(4 )Phil. iii. 14.(5 )i.e., confessed or denied himself a Christian. The Benedicti...

Revelation 17:10

There are also seven kings This phrase should read ?And they are seven kings? (NASB95). The KJV and NKJV translations are misleading here. The KJV be...

Genealogy, 1-7

GENEALOGY, 1-7 je-na-al'-o-ji, jen-a-al'-o-ji: 1. Definition 2. Biblical References 3. Importance of Genealogies 4. Their Historical Value 5. Pri...


ZOROASTRIANISM zo-ro-as'-tri-an-iz'-m: I. HISTORY SOURCES II. RELATION TO ISRAEL 1. Influence on Occident 2. Popular Judaism 3. Possible Theologi...

Galatians 1

Chapter 11:1 Paul, 1 an apostle, (not a of men, neither by b man, but by c Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;) (1) A salu...

Joshua, Book Of

JOSHUA, BOOK OF || I. TITLE AND AUTHORSHIP II. CONTENTS 1. Invasion and Conquest of Western Palestine 2. Allotment of the Country to the Tribes of...

Psalm 119:21

?EXPOSITION Verse 21. Thou hast rebuked the proud that are cursed. This is one of God's judgments: he is sure to deal out a terrible portion to men of...

Revelation 13:16

he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave These are similar categories of persons who fled to the mountains and hid themselv...

Revelation 17:16

the ten horns which you saw on the beast The TR stands alone in having the ten horns on the beast. Both MT and NU texts say ?the ten horns which you s...

Revelation 15:3

they sing ??????? [Adousin] , present tense, they are singing. the song of Moses Some take the song of Moses to commemorate the victory which God gav...

Acts 16


Revelation 13:18

Here is wisdom This phrase indicates that what follows constitutes a riddle of sorts requiring great wisdom to comprehend. A similar statement introd...

1 Timoteo 2

I Timoteo 2Divisi?n por P?rrafos en las Traducciones Modernas(*)UBS4NKJVNRSVTEVNJBInstrucciones en torno a la oraci?n(2:1-3:1a)2:1-72:8-3:1Oremos a fa...


Covenant [N] [E] [S]The word covenant, infrequently heard in conversation, is quite commonly used in legal, social (marriage), and religious and the...