Search Results for re 4

Found 2465 Results for re 4

Megiddo [N] [E] [H](place of crowns ) was in a very marked position on the southern rim of the plain of Esdraelon, on the frontier line of the territ...

Numbers 17:8

Overview - Numbers 17 1?Aaron's rod, among all the rods of the tribes, only flourishes. 10?It is left for a monument against the rebels. Treasury of S...


Passover [B] [E] [S]Institution of Exodus 12:3-49 ; 23:15-18 ; 34:18 ; Leviticus 23:4-8 ; Numbers 9:2-5 Numbers 9:13 Numbers 9:14 ; 28:16-25 ...


Servant [S]Distinguish a bondservant (Greek: doulos), who was a slave, from a hired servant (Greek: diakonos), who was not a slaveBONDLaws of Moses co...

Psalm 116:4

?EXPOSITION Verse 4. Then I called upon the name of the LORD. Prayer is never out of season, he prayed then, when things were at their worst. When the...

Edomites, the

Edomites, the Descended from Esau Genesis 36:9 Dwelt in Mount Seir Genesis 32:3 ; Deuteronomy 2:4 Deuteronomy 2:5 WERE CALLED Children of E...

6.23. Isaiah

Isa. 1 Isa. 1:1 - 3.1.10 Isa. 1:2 2 -, 3.12.1 Isa. 1:9 3 -, 3.2.9, Isa. 1:10 - 3.11.8 Isa. 1:12 2 - 3.11.22 Isa. ...

14.3. Structural Outline

It is our conviction that the events of the book are mainly sequential and flow naturally from the threefold division given by John in Revelation Rev...


Altar [N] [B] [S](Heb. mizbe'ah, from a word meaning to slay), any structure of earth ( Exodus 20:24 ) or unwrought stone ( 20:25 ) on which sacrifice...

6.42. Luke

Luke 1 Luke 1:5 - Luke 1:10 - 3.5.8 Luke 1:11 2 - 3.1.1, 3.8.3 Luke 1:12 - 3.1.1 Luke 1:13 - 3.1.1 Luke 1:14 - 3.1.1 Luke 1:15 - 3...

Esther 4

ESTER 4DIVISIONES DE P?RRAFO DE LAS TRADUCCIONES MODERNASLBLARVR AntiguaRVR60DHHBJMardoqueo pide a Ester que interceda4:1-34:4-84:9-124:13-174:1-17Est...


\\INTRODUCTION TO JOB 6\\ This and the following chapter contain Job's answer to the speech of Eliphaz in the two foregoing; he first excuses his im...

Ezra 9:8

Ezra 9:8 And now, for a little space, grace hath been showed from the Lord our God It was but a small time since the Lord first began to show favour t...

Acts 7:22

Acts 7:22 And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, &c,] Which was reckoned very considerable: ( 1 Kings 4:30 ) Philo the Jew says F5 ...

John 16:13

Howbeit (de). One of the most delicate and difficult particles to translate, varying from and to but. When he, the Spirit of truth, is come (otan elq...

Numbers 21:23

Numbers 21:23 And Sihon would not suffer Israel to pass through his border, &c.] Because he could not trust them, and confide in the promises they mad...


KORE ko-'re (qore, one who proclaims): (1) A Levite of David's time, descended from Kohath and Korah. See KORAH, 4. Shallum, Chief doorkeeper in the ...

Jeremiah 34:17

Overview - Jeremiah 34 1?Jeremiah prophesies the captivity of Zedekiah and the city. 8?The princes and the people having dismissed their bond-servant...

1 Samuel 27:1

Overview - 1?Samuel 27 1?Saul, hearing David to be in Gath, seeks no more for him. 5?David begs Ziklag of Achish. 8?He, invading other countries, pe...

6.43. John

John 1 John 1:1 16 - 3.19.132, 5.2.162,, 3.1.2, 3.1.5, 3.1.8, 3.3.14, 3.5.6,, 3.21.7, 3.21.22, 3.22.13,, 4.7 John 1:2 4 -...