Ezequiel 5:6

6 ela, porém, se rebelou perversamente contra os meus juízos, mais do que as nações, e os meus estatutos mais do que os países que estão ao redor dela; porque rejeitaram as minhas ordenanças, e nao andaram nos meus preceitos.

Ezequiel 5:6 Meaning and Commentary

Ezekiel 5:6

And she hath changed my judgments into wickedness more than the
So they changed their glory for that which did not profit; and the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man; and the truth of God into a lie, ( Jeremiah 2:11 ) ( Romans 1:23 Romans 1:25 ) ; or, "for wickedness" F17; for judgments and laws that were not good, and which to observe was wickedness. The word rendered "changed" signifies to "rebel against" or to "transgress": and the may be, she, that is, Jerusalem, has "rebelled" against my judgments, and "transgressed" F18 them in a wicked manner, even to a greater degree than the nations of the world. The Targum and Jarchi interpret it changed as we do: and my statutes more than the countries that [are] round about her.
"Judgments" and "statutes", are the same laws and ordinances of worship, being just and righteous, and firm and unalterable; unless it should rather be thought that "judgments" belong to the moral law, being given forth by the Lord as a judge, and founded upon judgment and righteousness; and "statutes" to the ceremonial law, being of positive institution and appointment, and to last so long as it was the pleasure of the lawgiver: for they have refused my judgments and my statutes;
they refused to comply with them, and to yield an obedience to them, and that with loathing, disdain, and contempt, as the word F19 signifies, they have not walked in them;
they did not make them the role of their walk and conversation; they showed no regard to them; they went out of the way of them, into crooked paths, with the workers of iniquity.


F17 (hevrl) "ut improbe ageret", Cocceius.
F18 (rmt) "transgressa est, [vel] rebellis fuit", Calvin; "refractaria
F19 "Verbum" (oam) "significat spernere, reprobare, rejicere, idque ex contemptu et fastidio", Polanus.

Ezequiel 5:6 In-Context

4 E ainda destes tomarás alguns e, lançando-os no meio do fogo, os queimarás no fogo; e dali sairá um fogo contra toda a casa de Israel.
5 Assim diz o Senhor Deus: Esta é Jerusalém; coloquei-a no meio das nações, estando os países ao seu redor;
6 ela, porém, se rebelou perversamente contra os meus juízos, mais do que as nações, e os meus estatutos mais do que os países que estão ao redor dela; porque rejeitaram as minhas ordenanças, e nao andaram nos meus preceitos.
7 Portanto assim diz o Senhor Deus: Porque sois mais turbulentos do que as nações que estão ao redor de vós, e não tendes andado nos meus estatutos, nem guardado os meus juízos, e tendes procedido segundo as ordenanças das nações que estão ao redor de vós;
8 por isso assim diz o Senhor Deus: Eis que eu, sim, eu, estou contra ti; e executarei juízos no meio de ti aos olhos das nações.
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