Welcome to the Interlinear Bible.
The Interlinear Bible is keyed to the Greek and Hebrew text using Strong’s Concordance. Read the original and literal Greek or Hebrew text with Strong’s words using the King James Version or New American Standard. The interlinear allows for each parallel reading and lexicon study.
Interlinear Bible Word/Phrase Search
To search by word or phrase, enter your query in the search box and choose the translation you wish to view.
Interlinear Bible Verse/Reference/Word Search
To display a verse or a range of verses, enter the reference into the search box and choose the translation in which you wish to view comparisons for.
Also Available Greek Lexicons and Hebrew Lexicons
The KJV is the first version of Scripture authorized by the Protestant church and commissioned by England's King James I.
The NAS is written in a formal style, but is more readable than the King James Version. It is highly respected as the most literal English translation of the Bible.