Provérbios 6:12

12 O homem vil, o homem iníquo, anda com a perversidade na boca,

Provérbios 6:12 Meaning and Commentary

Proverbs 6:12

A naughty person, a wicked man
Or, "a man of Belial, a man of iniquity" F23. The former signifies an unprofitable man, a man good for nothing, that is of no use to God or man; or one that is lawless, that has thrown off the yoke of the law, and will not be subject to it; Belial is the name of the devil; and here it may design such as are his children, and will do his lusts: the latter phrase signifies one that is wholly given up to work wickedness. The characters well agree with the (anomov) , the lawless one, the man of sin and son of perdition, antichrist, ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3 2 Thessalonians 2:8 ) . Who walketh with a froward mouth;
speaking perverse things, things contrary to the light of nature and reason, to law and Gospel; uttering lies, and deceit, and blasphemies against God and man; to which he has used himself, and in which he continues, as the word "walketh" signifies: so antichrist has a mouth opened in blasphemies against God and his saints, ( Revelation 13:5 Revelation 13:6 ) .


F23 (Nwa vya leylb) "homo Belijahal, vir iniquitatis", Montanus, Vatablus, Baynus, Michaelis.

Provérbios 6:12 In-Context

10 um pouco para dormir, um pouco para toscanejar, um pouco para cruzar as mãos em repouso;
11 assim te sobrevirá a tua pobreza como um ladrão, e a tua necessidade como um homem armado.
12 O homem vil, o homem iníquo, anda com a perversidade na boca,
13 pisca os olhos, faz sinais com os pés, e acena com os dedos;
14 perversidade há no seu coração; todo o tempo maquina o mal; anda semeando contendas.
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