

IN the will of God Creation has its origin, its existence, its happiness, its power, its glory. In the will of God Eedemption, too, has its origin, its maintenance, its blessedness, its power, its glory.

To the will of God even so the life of grace in the heart owes its origin, its maintenance, its blessedness, its power, and its glory.

In knowing and loving, in doing and bearing, in fulfilling all that will the spiritual life finds its growth, its rest, its joy, its strength, its fruitfulness, its everlasting blessedness.

The one thing needful for a Christian is that he live in the will of God.

Whether it be God's will in His Providence in time, or His Purpose in eternity, God's will in His Precepts or His Promises, he that lives in the will of God will there find God Himself and all His salvation.

May God teach us that as His will is the one cause and the power of all that He does in the showing forth of His glory, and of all that His Son did and does for our redemption, so the one thing His child needs is to prove that his whole life is the manifestation of the power and glory of God's blessed will.

With the prayer that God, by His Holy Spirit, may reveal this to each reader of this little book--Yours in Christ Jesus,


My anchor ground, my fortress hill,

My spirit's silent, fair abode,
In Thee I hide me and am still.

0 Thou, that wiliest good alone,

Lead Thou the way—Thou guidest best; A little child, I follow on,

And trusting, lean upon Thy breast.

Thy beautiful, sweet will, my God,
Holds fast in its sublime embrace

My captive will, a gladsome bird,
Prisoned in such a realm of grace.

Within this place of certain good,
Love evermore expands her wings,

Or, nestling in Thy perfect choice,
Abides content with what it brings.

Oh, lightest burden, sweetest yoke,
It lifts, it bears my happy soul,

It giveth wings to this poor heart;
My freedom is Thy grand control.

Upon God's will I lay me down,
As child upon its mother's breast;

No silken couch, nor softest bed,
Could ever give me such deep rest.

Thy wonderful, grand will, my God,
With triumph now I make it mine;

And faith shall cry a joyous Yes!
To every dear command of Thine.