Note of Commendation



Professor Warfibld of Princeton is well known on both sides of the Atlantic. He has rendered special service in the interest of Systematic Theology; and his defence of the " Right" of that science in a recent number of The Presbyterian and Reformed Review, which he edits, has appeared to us well worthy of a wider circulation in this country than it can hope to have in a journal published in America.

This explains the issue of the present book, which we commend to the attention of all who have in any degree realised the importance of the subject.

William Garden Blaikie, D.D., LL.D., Professor in New College,

A. H. Chartbris, D.D., Professor, University of Edinburgh.
George C. M. Douglas, D.D., Principal, Free Church College,

Eobert Flint, D.D., LL.D., Professor, University of Edinburgh.
William H. Goold, D.D., Martyrs' Free Church, Edinburgh.
John Laidlaw, D.D., Professor, New College, Edinburgh.
Alexander Mair, D.D., United Presbyterian Church, Morningside.
Robert Rainy, D.D., Principal, New College, Edinburgh.
Alexander Stewart, D. D., Principal, St. Mary's College, St.

James Stalker, D.D., St. Matthew's Free Church, Glasgow.
Norman L. Walker, D.D., Editor of Free Church of Scotland

J. Wardrop, D.D., Professor, U.P. College, Edinburgh.