2 Thessalonians 1:11

To which end (ei o). So Colossians 1:29 . Probably purpose with reference to the contents of verses 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10 . We have had the Thanksgiving (verses 2 Thessalonians 3-10 ) in a long, complicated, but rich period or sentence. Now he makes a brief Prayer (verses 2 Thessalonians 11-12 ) that God will fulfil all their hopes and endeavours. Paul and his colleagues can still pray for them though no longer with them (Moffatt). That (ina). Common after proseucomai ( Colossians 4:3 ; Ephesians 1:17 ; Philippians 1:9 ) when the content of the prayer blends with the purpose (purport and purpose). Count you worthy (uma axiwsh). Causative verb (aorist active subjunctive) like kataxiow in verse Philippians 5 with genitive. Of your calling (th klhsew). Klhsi can apply to the beginning as in 1 Corinthians 1:26 ; Romans 11:29 , but it can also apply to the final issue as in Philippians 3:14 ; Hebrews 3:1 . Both ideas may be here. It is God's calling of the Thessalonians. And fulfil every desire of goodness (kai plhrwsh pasan eudokian agaqwsunh). "Whom he counts worthy he first makes worthy" (Lillie). Yes, in purpose, but the wonder and the glory of it all is that God begins to count us worthy in Christ before the process is completed in Christ ( Romans 8:29 ). But God will see it through and so Paul prays to God. Eudokia (cf. Luke 2:14 ) is more than mere desire, rather good pleasure, God's purpose of goodness, not in ancient Greek, only in LXX and N.T. Agaqwsunh like a dozen other words in -sunh occurs only in late Greek. This word occurs only in LXX, N.T., writings based on them. It is made from agaqo, good, akin to agamai, to admire. May the Thessalonians find delight in goodness, a worthy and pertinent prayer. Work of faith (ergon pistew). The same phrase in 1 Thessalonians 1:3 . Paul prays for rich fruition of what he had seen in the beginning. Work marked by faith, springs from faith, sustained by faith. With power (en dunamei). In power. Connect with plhrwsh (fulfil), God's power ( Romans 1:29 ; Colossians 1:4 ) in Christ ( 1 Corinthians 1:24 ) through the Holy Spirit ( 1 Thessalonians 1:5 ).