Galatians 1:1

Not from men, neither through men (ouk ap anqrwpwn oude di anqrwpou). The bluntness of Paul's denial is due to the charge made by the Judaizers that Paul was not a genuine apostle because not one of the twelve. This charge had been made in Corinth and called forth the keenest irony of Paul ( 2 Corinthians 10-12 ). In Ga 1; 2 Paul proves his independence of the twelve and his equality with them as recognized by them. Paul denies that his apostleship had a human source (ouk ap anqrwpwn) and that it had come to him through (di anqrwpou) a human channel (Burton). But through Jesus Christ and God the Father (alla dia Ihsou Cristou kai qeou patro). The call to be an apostle came to Paul through Jesus Christ as he claimed in 1 Corinthians 9:1 and as told in Acts 9:4-6 ; Acts 22:7 ; Acts 26:16 . He is apostle also by the will of God. Who raised him from the dead (tou egeiranto auton ek nekrwn). And therefore Paul was qualified to be an apostle since he had seen the Risen Christ ( 1 Corinthians 9:1 ; 1 Corinthians 15:8 ). This verb egeirw is often used in N.T. for raising from the sleep of death, to wake up the dead.