Matthew 17:25

Jesus spake first to him (proepqasen auton o Ihsou legwn). Here only in the N.T. One example in a papyrus B.C. 161 (Moulton and Milligan, Vocabulary). The old idiomatic use of pqanw with the participle survives in this example of propqanw in Matthew 17:25 , meaning to anticipate, to get before one in doing a thing. The Koin uses the infinitive thus with pqanw which has come to mean simply to arrive. Here the anticipation is made plain by the use of pro-. See Robertson's Grammar, p. 1120. The "prevent" of the Authorized Version was the original idea of praevenire, to go before, to anticipate. Peter felt obliged to take the matter up with Jesus. But the Master had observed what was going on and spoke to Peter first. Toll or tribute (telh h khnson). Customs or wares collected by the publicans (like poro, Romans 13:7 ) and also the capitation tax on persons, indirect and direct taxation. Khnso is the Latin census, a registration for the purpose of the appraisement of property like h apograph in Luke 2:2 ; Acts 5:37 . By this parable Jesus as the Son of God claims exemption from the temple tax as the temple of his Father just as royal families do not pay taxes, but get tribute from the foreigners or aliens, subjects in reality.