Yuēnáshū 4:5-11

5 Yúshì Yuēná chū chéng , zuò zaì chéng de dōngbiān , zaì nàli wèi zìjǐ dā le yī zuò péng , zuò zaì péng de yīn xià , yào kàn kàn nà chéng jiūjìng rúhé .
6 Yēhéhuá shén ānpái yī kē bì má , shǐ qí fāshēng gāo guō Yuēná , yǐngér zhēgaì tāde tóu , jiù tā tuōlí kǔchǔ . Yuēná yīn zhè kē bì má dàdà xǐlè .
7 Cì rì límíng , shén què ānpái yī tiaó chóngzi yǎo zhè bì má , yǐzhì kū gǎo .
8 Rìtou chūlai de shíhou , shén ānpái yán rè de dōng fēng . rìtou bào shaì Yuēná de tóu , shǐ tā fā hūn , tā jiù wèi zìjǐ qiú sǐ , shuō , wǒ sǐ le bǐ huó zhe hái hǎo .
9 Shén duì Yuēná shuō , nǐ yīn zhè kē bì má fānù héhū lǐ ma . tā shuō , wǒ fānù yǐ zhìyú sǐ héhū lǐ .
10 Yēhéhuá shuō , zhè bì má bú shì nǐ zāizhòng de , yĕ bú shì nǐ péiyǎng de . yī yè fāshēng , yī yè gān sǐ , nǐ shàngqiĕ aìxī .
11 Hékuàng zhè Níníwēi dà chéng , qízhōng bùnéng fēnbiàn zuǒshǒu yòushǒu de yǒu shí èr wàn duō rén , bìng yǒu xǔduō shēngchù . wǒ qǐnéng bú aìxī ne .

Yuēnáshū 4:5-11 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter gives us an account of Jonah's displeasure at the repentance of the Ninevites, and at the Lord's showing mercy unto them, Jon 4:1; the angry prayer of Jonah upon it, Jon 4:2,3; the Lord's gentle reproof of him for it, Jon 4:4; his conduct upon that, Jon 4:5; the gourd prepared for him; its rise, usefulness, and destruction, which raised different passions in Jonah, Jon 4:6-8; the improvement the Lord made of this to rebuke Jonah, for his displicency at the mercy he showed to the Ninevites, and to convict him of his folly, Jon 4:9-11.

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