Edward Bright

Edward Bright, A. M.—This worthy minister of Christ was born at Greenwich, near London, and educated in the university of Cambridge, where he was chosen fellow of his college.t Afterwards he became vicar of Cloudburst in Kent, where he fell under the displeasure of Archbishop Laud. In the year 1640 he was cited, with other puritan ministers in Kent, to appear before his lordship's visitors at Feversbam, to answer for not reading the prayer against the Scots. According to summons, they appeared before Sir Nathaniel Brent, the archbishop's vicar-general, and other officers; when Mr. Bright was first called, and being asked whether he bad read the prayer, he answered in the negative. Upon which the an hdeacon immediately suspended him from his office and benefice, without the least admonition, or even giving him a moment of time for consideration. This rash act was d< emed, even by the favourites of Laud, to be neither prudential nor canonical.^ It does not appear how long the good man continued under this cruel sentence; but lie was most probably released upon the meeting of the long parliament, towards the clos;: of this year.

• Mother's Hist of New F.ng. b. iii. p. 146—148.

+ Morse and Parish', Hist. p. 43, A6, 47.

t Baker's MS. Cnller. vol. vi. p. 81.

I, Life of Mr. Wilson, p. 15. Edit. 1672.

Mr. Bright was afterwards chosen fellow of Emanuel college, Cambridge; but he still continued in bis beloved work of preaching. He was next chosen minister of Christchurch, London; but he did not long survive liis removal. During his last sickness, he often said, " I thank God I < ame not to London for money. ,1 brought a good conscience from Cambridge, and I thank God I have not lived to spoil it." He died in the month of December, 105(5; when his funeral sermon was preached by Mr. Samuel Jacomb, and afterwards- published. He was zealous, courageous, and conscientious in the support of divine truth; yet of great candour, affection, and moderation. He was a man of great piety, good learning, excellent ministerial abilities, and admirable industry. Many elegies were published upon his death.* He had the character of a very good man, and was endowed with a considerable share of patience, which indeed he very much needed, having the affliction of a very fro ward and clamorous wife. On this accouut, many thought it a happiness to him to be dull of hearing. This worthy servant of Christ is, by mistake, included among the ejected ministers alter the restoration.t