Proverbios 8:25-35

25 Antes que los montes fueran asentados, antes que las colinas, fui engendrada,
26 cuando El no había hecho aún la tierra y los campos, ni el polvo primero del mundo.
27 Cuando estableció los cielos, allí estaba yo; cuando trazó un círculo sobre la faz del abismo,
28 cuando arriba afirmó los cielos, cuando las fuentes del abismo se afianzaron,
29 cuando al mar puso sus límites para que las aguas no transgredieran su mandato, cuando señaló los cimientos de la tierra,
30 yo estaba entonces junto a El, como arquitecto; y era su delicia de día en día, regocijándome en todo tiempo en su presencia,
31 regocijándome en el mundo, en su tierra, y teniendo mis delicias con los hijos de los hombres.
32 Ahora pues, hijos, escuchadme, porque bienaventurados son los que guardan mis caminos.
33 Escuchad la instrucción y sed sabios, y no la menospreciéis.
34 Bienaventurado el hombre que me escucha, velando a mis puertas día a día, aguardando en los postes de mi entrada.
35 Porque el que me halla, halla la vida, y alcanza el favor del SEÑOR.

Proverbios 8:25-35 Meaning and Commentary


This chapter contains the instructions of Wisdom or Christ; showing the excellency of them, and the author of them, in opposition to the harlot and her allurements, in the preceding chapter. Christ, under the name of Wisdom, is represented as an herald, publishing the Gospel in the ministry of the word, either in person or by his servants, Pr 8:1. The places where this proclamation is made are described, Pr 8:2,3; the persons to whom, Pr 8:4,5. The excellency of the things delivered, being right things; truth, agreeably to the word of God, plain and easy to be understood, and of more worth than gold, silver, and precious stones, Pr 8:6-11. And then Wisdom, or Christ, is commended and recommended by his consummate prudence and knowledge, by his hatred of evil, and by his influence on the political affairs of kings and princes, Pr 8:12-16; and the advantages of those that are early seekers of him are pointed out; their enjoyment of his favour, of his riches, honour and righteousness; and their being led by him in right paths now, and inheriting eternal glory hereafter, Pr 8:17-21. And next follows an account of his existence from eternity as a divine Person, illustrated by a variety of phrases, Pr 8:22-29; and of his being with the Father; of his great affection for him, and complacency in him; and of Christ's wonderful delight and pleasure in the sons of men, Pr 8:30,31. And the chapter is concluded with an exhortation to them to hearken to his instructions; setting forth the happiness of those that wait on him in public ordinances, and find him; and the misery of those that hate and reject him.

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