

Several winters ago an elderly couple was driving through the Sierra National Forest in a snowstorm. Their car skidded off the road in an area that is seldom traveled. Jean and Ken Chaney lived for the next 18 days in that car before they died. They kept a diary. On the 18th day Jean Chaney wrote this last entry: 'Dad went to the Lord at 7:30 this evening, March 18. It was so peaceful I didn't even know he left. The last thing I heard him say was 'Thank the Lord.' I think I'll be with Him soon...bye. I love you.'

How can anyone face death without fear? Only if one is absolutely sure of what is on the other side of death. A man named Jesus conquered death and assures us that if we trust in Him we too can share that victory. When one knows Him personally, death loses all its terror.

 - Bill Bouknight, Christ United Methodist Church, Memphis, TN